Wednesday 4 April 2012

5 games from my collection I really want to play

So hot!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 8 months ago
How I experience summer heat should be also noticed on roleplaying games. For me +25C is too much. I like temperature to be around +20C in the summer. This summers best this far has been +33C when I almost literally melted. Today has been quite bad - +30C last time I checked. So, what's the problem? I mean, last winter it was few weeks around and over -30C and generally few months over -20C. Ok, I don't like that cold, but if I had to choose which end of that 60C yearly temperature difference I'd prefer the most, I'd go with the lower end I guess. ANYWAYS, there is a point here. I d... more »

Games I have plans for

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 9 months ago
First game I have plans for is obviously Mutants & Masterminds. I just blogged about it, so won't do it again. Read HERE more about it. We started to play All Flesh Must Be Eaten but didn't go further than three sessions. Actually in third session the action really just began. For some reason at that time my player wasn't that interested for AFMBE so we put it in the freezer. I really have plans for that campaign and I know how it would go and what is the ending (of course the end depends on character... if she gets that far). I wish we will continue it some day, because I have a fe... more »

5 games from my collection I really want to play

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 9 months ago
I have several games I have never played nor read fully. I like games, they look good on my shelf. More is better. I like to shuffle them. But I don't have time to play or read all I want. That's why we made an arrangement with my player. Every second game we play is something different we don't usually play. Our main games basically are Vampire: the Masquerade and Fading Suns. Vampire: the Masquerade because we play it the most and Fading Suns because longest campaigns are played with that system and setting. There's been other games which have been played more or less frequently, ... more »

Super heroes give me headache thinking next game

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 9 months ago
So, when we finish our current Vampire: the Masquerade campaign, we will play Mutants & Masterminds. But I got one major problem. My jar of Gamemastering is empty for this genre. I have collected and read lots of supers comics when I was a kid. So I know the basics. And I have seen many new superhero movies. Many of them are really good. Like Watchmen and Iron Man movies. Also, Mutants & Masterminds rulebook itself is a great book for superheroes and full of ideas. Still, I don't have any single idea what I want to run or how. I am still waiting for my player to create character con...more »

Devil, movie where Devil himself is caught in elevator. Also RPG scenario idea

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 9 months ago
*About The Movie* * * Link to imdb and link to trailer at Youtube. *A group of people are trapped in an elevator and the Devil is mysteriously amongst them.* *-*From imdb. Devil is movie where the tension is built within the people stuck in elevator. Among them is the Devil himself and he wants souls of those people. Movie could have been ok if it wasn't so stupid. I spotted several "mistakes" or stupidities in the movie like why was one character let in the building when it was closed, who would go move with a wooden stick a broken electric cord what's in a pond of water etc. And ... more »

My rpg alphabets

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
A-Z, first rpg or word related to my gaming and few words explaining it. *A for Attacks*. Even though usually my games are more drama than action, fighting sequences are cool. Actually, fighting in my games is more awesome as it is rare. *B for Botch. *Nothing is more annoying or more hilarious than a botch. In bad case you feel like tearing your character sheet to shreds, but sometimes you cannot stop laughing. *C for Character. *Characters are as important or even more important as an adventure. You can read adventure aloud from source book for any character, but it is characters w... more »

Eerie fairy forest (Youtube video inspiration)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
When you hear strange music, but no one playing. Feel that you are watched, but don't see anyone. When you see strange vegetation which seems to be alive, you know, that you have wandered too deep. Fairies are tricky folk. Some are playful, some tricksters, some just want to observe strangers. Where there is fairy magic, the forest is alive.

Roleplaying tattoos? Yep, got mine

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
I have wanted tattoos several years, but actually never had any. I have several ideas, I want to do. I know what I want. Now, I got a great opportunity to get myself tattooed (and will be tattooed in the future), and got two pictures. I didn't choose the pics I really want, but instead I chose other pics I like and chose them to be inked to my legs. I usually don't show my lets, except in summer time with shorts. Didn't want to put my main tattoo areas (hands) in risk, if the tattooer wasn't good enough. So, smaller the first one, was just a test try. My favourite car is Ford, so I... more »

After vampire super-heroes

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
Our Vampire: the Masquerade campaign is reaching it's end. I have asked my player, what she would like to play next. We have agreed, that we play Vampire, then something else, then Vampire again. Vampire: the Masquerade is our favorite game no question. But even though it is awesome, Storyteller needs his breaks or he can find himself out of new ideas or repeating himself. So, that's why we play Vampire, other, Vampire. We get to play Vampire a lot, but still get to play other games so Vampire doesn't wear out. Another reason for this is, that I have several games I haven't played o... more »

Underwater karaoke [Skill/feat/advantage]

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
I saw a dream, where I kinda played this roleplaying game, kinda wrote it. Not sure, but sometimes dreams can be a bit blurry in detail. But this game was Dungeons & Dragons but with Storytelling system. And there was a skill called *Underwater Karaoke *(or I was writing it). Sounds strange? Not necessarily. Well, the name is a bit strange... *Underwater Karaoke* * * Underwater karaoke is character's skill or quality, where he is as good performing underwater as he is on solid ground. So there are no penalties to his action. Name "underwater karaoke" simply means, that character can ... more »

[Inspiration] Producing an entity with thought expectation

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
Some mage groups might have an ability to actually create something. Not summon, not possess, not capture. But to create out of the thin air. They must go several rituals, write the being they summon, believe in it and make it real. This is really powerful magic, and rare to create entities out of nothing. Sometimes they appear as the group has imagined, sometimes disturbance in shared imagination might make these entities slightly different than ment to be, or even dangerously out of control. Usually it needs a group to create an entity this way, but very powerful mages can also c... more »

[C:tL] This is how changelings are explained in media

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
You are kidnapped to be a servant for fae. But there is something put as a replacement of you, who continues your life as you serve as a slave... But there must be some accounts of people missing? Take a look at this news article for an example: Siti was captured after several failures, where she was found in strange places. When she was actually captured, her replacement was found 600 km away from his home. In the world of darkness, there is always something behind the mysteries. Strange incidents can b... more »

Orc camp ahead, but what are they up to?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
Aggressive traveling orcs. (From LotR movie).How many times in fantasy settings group of heroes have encountered camp of orcs? How often group of heroes have encountered camp of orcs with random encounter table? How often you don't have any idea what the orcs are doing there, but the point is to A) avoid them or B) to kill them. Here's little table for your random orc camp. They might be also encounter on the move. *Random Orc Camp Or Travelling Group Table* First you have to know, how hostile these orcs are. Roll D4: 1. Try to flee even if they must leave their camp behind. 2. Are ... more »

Oh man, where's my post?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
My latest post about orcs camps is lost! I do find it from RPG Bloggers site, but the link is dead. I might have heard somewhere, that some of Blogger/blogspot posts are missing, but they are restored soon... I hope that's the case! I wanted to make a post or two and was really inspired, but I guess I wont before I am certain, that this works. Funny thing. One reason I write stuff here, is that I thought internet being good place to save writings. Too many bad experiences with broken harddrives, corrputed CD-backups etc. But yeah, maybe I start to save my texts from this blog to al... more »

Orc camp ahead, but what are they up to?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
Aggressive traveling orcs. (From LotR movie).How many times in fantasy settings group of heroes have encountered camp of orcs? How often group of heroes have encountered camp of orcs with random encounter table? How often you don't have any idea what the orcs are doing there, but the point is to A) avoid them or B) to kill them. Here's little table for your random orc camp. They might be also encounter on the move. *Random Orc Camp Or Travelling Group Table* First you have to know, how hostile these orcs are. Roll D4: 1. Try to flee even if they must leave their camp behind. 2. Are ... more »

Zooming back to May's A-Z blogging challenge (Final content, the letter "Z")

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
It's done. A bit late, but I made it! I am both proud and disappointed of myself. Proud, because I handled all the alphabets. Disappointed, because I couldn't keep up with the schedule. Anyways, let's zoom to this challenge from my point of view. *Inspiration To Blog Content* * * When you have this certain letter you are going to base your blog text of, it is an inspiration. You have to forge your idea to fit that letter. I think, there were some topics I wouldn't have blogged about without the challenge. The challenge gave me an empty canvas and a tool to paint a picture. The rest ... more »

Yawn, curse this tiredness (Y for A-Z)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
I remember the times, not so long ago, only six months or so, when I used to play roleplaying games at least five days a week. Weekends Friday and Saturday I played my main campaign, what currently was running. During week days we did play also the main campaign, or secondary specific "weekday" campaign. Our last secondary weekday game was Dungeons & Dragons we played few days a week before Friday and Saturday, when we played our main campaign. But then came tiredness. After work and doing all stuff needs to be done during weekday evenings I was too tired to play rpg's. Instead I gr... more »

Xenophobia in science fiction (X for A-Z)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
Even though humanity has reached the stars and met other races more primitive or advanced, more agressive or peaceful, still racism is written in human history. Maybe racism against each other amongst us people has seized, but racism has found its new form: Xenophobia. In science fiction xenophobia means hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture from other races outside of humanity. Also other alien races can be xenophobic towards humans or other alien races. If there are space travels, different worlds and cultures and that evil spawning race threa... more »

Why Warcraft could be good setting for me (W for A-Z)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 10 months ago
At the moment my high fantasy rpg choice is D&D. I got Forgotten Realms campaign setting as it was in good price. Although I am not that interested in it for some reason. Maybe as I am not that into fantasy gaming the size of FR campaign setting book is intimidating. Months back at one rpg forum there were few Warcraft sourcebooks for D&D3 for sale. I considered for some time if I'd buy them, but decided not to because of current financial status. I could have afforded them easily, but thought do I really need them. I decided, that I don't need them at that moment. As playing D&D i... more »

Villains from video games to rpg villains (A-Z letter V)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Picture from ign articleI found this list of top 100 videogame villains from

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