Wednesday 4 April 2012

5 plots for Vampire: the Masquerade

5 plots for Vampire: the Masquerade

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Do you have trouble inventing plot for your game? This is a new blog label for various games. Label is *5 Plots for...* I will give 5 basic plots to work on. In this blog content for Vampire: the Masquerade. These plots are not full storylines, but ideas to work on or get kick start for your session, adventure or even campaign. So, here are first five plot ideas for Vampire: the Masquerade. Some of these I have used in my own games, some are ideas I haven't used yet. I will leave open questions how the plot developes for Storyteller/Gamemaster to decide and work on. *1. Wrong Princ... more »

Tossing it Out: April A-Z blogging challenge

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Check it out! One blog entry for every day of April (except for sundays) from letters A to Z every day it's own letter in order. Fascinating, and I joined it. Might be really interesting what inspiration just one letter can give for blogging. Looking forward for it! Special thanks for RPG Blogger, where I found this entry what was a portal to find this challenge: So thanks The Other Side blog!

Bubba Ho-Tep, senior citizens versus ancient evil

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
About the movie itself and how to make roleplaying scenario out of it.* * *Retirement Home And The Mummy* *This section might include minor spoilers!* Bruce Campbell is Elvis Presley, or so he claims. He lives in retirement house not in that good shape anymore. One of his fellow residents who claims to be JFK in black body thanks to goverment's plan, claims, that there is a great evil sucking old peoples souls to feed itself. An ancient Mummy! So Elvis Presley and black JFK decide to fight this ancient evil. Sounds weird, doesn't it? Yes it does. The movie was not that rediculous a... more »

Download: Vampire: the Masquerade NPC Combat Sheet

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
To help my own V:tM game's combat phases, I created this tablet. There are also few house rules included I use. So, here you are, in Excel (xls) format. Click to download from MediaFire!

Example how I stat uniportant NPC opponents in V:tM

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So, basically I start filling basic information. In this battle there are four NPC thugs. I take Excel (as I use computer as game aid) and make rows of Thug 1, Thug 2 and so on. Basic information I need are attack pool for melee, (attack pool for ranged weapons if needed), stamina soak, dodge and wounds. As these are unimportant opponents, I use fixed wound steps of -1, -3, -5 and incapacitated. Sometimes I use D10 to determine dicepools for enemies. In this case, I roll D10 for every thug's melee attack, stamina (for stamina D5) and dodge. At this point it looks like this: That'... more »

Before nWoD I made houserules almost nWoD

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Before you could find nWoD in stores, I did a rules hack to old World of Darkness. So basically before new World of Darkness rules were available, I did a rules hack/house rule similar to it. Basically I thought, that for storytelling game fighting should be a bit faster. I mean, there are almost always three dicepool rolls involved: 1. Roll attribute + skill dicepool to determine did you hit or miss 2. Roll damage, what is weapon damage + successes from previous roll after first 3. Opponent rolls stamina as soak 4. Decrease successes of stamina roll to determine damage dealt There a... more »

Quick naming random NPC's

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Sometimes it could feel like it's hard to come up with a name for NPC, but it is just really easy. Trick all Game Masters should know, or know already. What to do when you need quickly to name a NPC? For modern or more realistic games easiest way is to take nearest rpg rulebook or sourcebook, look at the list of writers, pick random first name, random surname and combine. Your rpg book is actually modern name generator allways available! For fantasy settings or for stranger names look around. Read what you read, combine or alter text. And you got a name. For example, I had to come u... more »

[V:tM] Nosferatu hideout

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Sacrifices and occult activity? Or just a cover up to keep unwanted visitors away? This is main passage to New Jersey's biggest Nosferatu lair. All the rumors about evil activity are actually just cover up stories and urban legends started by Nosferatu to keep unwanted mortal visitors away. Some of the stories are true though. Eerie feeling is caused by foul clan Nosferatu presence. Some people can sense the presence, some cannot. The voices and screams are also true at some cases. Might be victims drained from blood, or distant yells from specimen human, ghoul and vampire speci... more »

GM Tip: How to quickly give personality to NPC?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So, you have NPC what characters meet. NPC might be blacksmith, city guard, beggar, or anything. How to give some edge to that character quickly? First, check your surroundings. Two items you first see. I see scissors and pen. Now translate what you see to characteristics. Scissors are sharp, so NPC is witty. Pen indicates he is also learned. OR scissors as sharp might also mean that he is violent and pen that he is in high status. So, now that blacksmith is witty and learned. Or city guard is violent and in high status. Possibly guard captain. Small trick what needs a bit of imagina... more »

RPG's and Satan

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I cannot believe, that this kind of thing still excists. The facts are allways incorrect and all the reasoning pulled out of randomly. I remember, when I started to play when I was just a kid (11 years old) some of the people around me did think I was invovled in satanism and/or Satan worshipping. You might want to check this site out, but don't let your blood pressure go too high. And remember (according to that site) what is the real purpose for RPG Cons: *"Now, games give explicit instruction in the rituals and methods of the o... more »

Reading Ghouls: Fatal Addiction and enjoying it

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction is sourcebook for Vampire: the Masquerade. I haven't read it yet, but doing well and enjoying it. It is really well written. In the beginning there are cool chapters what mix game information and fiction. You could easily sum up what I have read in smaller space, but still what is great about White Wolf World of Darkness books is that they really do give that feel that you aren't only reading rules and game background, but also short stories. Core rules of Vampire: the Masquerade do give basic information about ghouls but this book gives more insight for them... more »

V:tM/oWoD single die mechanic

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Not everyone like World of Darkness' dicepool system, so I present modified single D10 mechanics. *Attribute + Skill Rolls* *In oWoD you roll D10's equal to your attribute + skill and count successes from the dice what are under difficulty. Let's change this.* Total your character's Attribute + Skill. Modify difficulty: Difficulty 4 +2 to attr+skill Difficulty 5 +1 to attr+skill Difficulty 6 no changes Difficulty 7 -1 to attr+skill Difficulty 8 -2 to attr+skill Difficulty 9 -3 to attr+skill Difficulty 10 -4 to attr+skill If after modified difficulty to attribute + skill value result... more »

Sankarten Polku - Heroes' Path charactersheet

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So, yesterday I started to do prg just for fun, as I was bored. I made also character sheet for it. It's in finnish, but I thought I'd share it still. I write this first in finnish and then poorly try to attempt to translate it in english. But, here's the character sheet:

Bored at work, created rpg rules

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So I was dead bored so decided to write rpg rules. 6 pages of Dungeons & Dragon-ish set with a small adjustments. It's more like old-school, no skills. Only most suitable attribute is used. And there are bonuses to attack and defence based on character's attribute. Really basic. Unfortunately, it's only in finnish, but I'll put a link still: There, PDF. That's only rules, no character classes, equipment, monsters or anything. I basically was just entertaining myself with writing as my serious projects are a bit too serious to write this spon... more »

YDIN - Basic damage and weapon/armor statistics

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Different type of attacks deal different damage. These are the core rules for damage. *Exploding Dice* In damage dice are exploding. When rolled highest possible result of a damage die, roll it again and add on previous result to get total damage.* * *Unarmed Damage* Unarmed combat deals 1D4 damage, additional damage comes from strength as following STRENGTH DAMAGE BONUS: - * *Strength 1-2 = +0 - Strength 3-4 = +2 - Strength 5 = +3 - Strength 6 = +4 - Every Strength beyond 6 deals additional +1 damage. Unarmed attacks don't decrease wound points even if wound is exc... more »

Every single day I wait for evening to play, but...

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I have a nice work. I obviously know what to do and I am alone here. Lot's of time to think about things. And what do I think about to entertain me in a workday? Roleplaying of course! So, every day I have ideas and urge to play but when evening comes I am too tired. Six months ago I played almost every night, I just had energy for that. Maybe it's winter and darkness, but I am out of stamina when the evening and possible time to play comes. It's frustrating. Now (at my lunch hour) I am so full of ideas and excitement, that I'd want to play right now. Currently I am waiting for an ... more »

Quick and simple idea for Grimworld

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*Lankhemaar, City of High, Dungeons of Forgotten Ages* Reasons might be many for adventurers to ventrue in dungeons below the city of Lankhemaar. Lankhemaar is a city what has grown over generations and generations. When old generations are passed and new kings have come, the city has just been growing. Not by width, but height. * * The whole city of Lankhemaar is like a huge mountain the current city with it's current king on top of it all. The city is so high, in few generations it will reach the clouds. Below current citystreets are underground layers, all from previous installmen... more »

Gigacrawler - This must be the most awesome project ever!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Zac Sabbath, the writer of Playing D&D With Porn Stars blog has most awesome rpg idea and setting ever. Go take a look: This is just so awesome, it's beyond description. Humongous infinite scifi-dungeon where anything is possible. This is like cyberpunk mixed with basic D&D dungeoncrawl with hardcore scifi to low fantasy. So, go and take a look at this monstrosity of roleplaying game design. It is brilliant!

YDIN - Basic combat overview

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*To Hit Enemies* Determining does attack hit or miss is resolved similarly to any skill task. But when skill task is combat oriented it is called *combat task*. Defencing skill tasks (dodge, parry etc.) are called *defence tasks.* Succesfull combat task indicates that enemy is hit. Failed combat task indicates that attack is missed. Critical success multiplies damage by certain number and catastrophic failure results something bad determined by gamemaster or in some cases by a special chart. *Damaging Enemies* After a succesfull combat task you roll damage based on your weapon. Dam... more »

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