Wednesday 4 April 2012

Touch attack in D&D (A-Z letter T)

Touch attack in D&D (A-Z letter T)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
How can a simple thing be so hard to figure out? When we started to play D&D3 the first time, my player wante to create a sorcerer character. I knew it would be more challenging with spells and everything, but if player wants to be a magic-user, then let her be. First combat when she started to use her spells I did have no clue how they worked. I tried to read the rules all over again, but didn't find somehow what to roll to attack with a spell. Most puzzling was the touch attack. What do you roll? There is no "to touch attack" value in character sheet. What do you roll to "touch"? ... more »

Supers games (A-Z letter S)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Superhero roleplaying games? There are several but I've never played one. I was into superhero comic books when I was a kid (who wasn't) but even though I also played roleplaying games for some reason it never got into my mind that I could roleplay a superhero. Today I am not that interested in supers anymore, but still I bought myself a copy of Mutants & Masterminds. It was cheap and my first supers came to add more genres into my collection. I have read Mutants & Masterminds and even though it uses D20 system I think it's pretty good for it. Quick and easily adjustable to higher i... more »

Randomly (A-Z letter R)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Rolling randomly. I don't know who said this, but it's a good rule of thumb: *"If your answer is not "yes", roll a die". *(Or something like that). I do quite often roll randomly without game rules. I simply roll a die, higher the result, better outcome for character's point of view. These are the situations where character's characteristics have nothing to do with the actual outcome of roll. For example, if character is trying to charm someone, roll is based on her skills versus difficulty based on the other being charmed. That situation can be played according to game rules. But ... more »

Quit whining about editions (A-Z letter Q)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Edition wars are boring. There's been too many of them about D&D. But I have to admit, that I have given my own contribution to edition wars before. Old World of Darkness against New World of Darkness. I did not like that oWoD was put into ice and nWoD basically replaced it. I know that there are hundreds of oWoD books still available second hand or in PDF and I know that oWoD did do too much so it was better to cancel the mess before it got more messier, but still I found oWoD way much better and interesting than the new one. I did not like people who said nWoD was better than oWoD...more »

Praedor, one of my favorite fantasy games (A-Z letter P)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Praedor from Burger Games is one of my favorite fantasy games. Instead of reviewing it (for now) I just give a list why I do like it so much. 1. Artwork is really neat made by Finnish comic book artist Petri Hiltunen. Also game setting is based on Petri Hiltunen's comic books. 2. Character creation is mix of old school dice rolling and more customizable point buy system. You roll attributes, but divide points for skills. 3. Damage system is brilliant. Even though characters have lots of hit points, they could die from a single good blow. There is "deep wound" ... more »

Old school gaming, what does it mean to me? (A-Z letter O)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Old school gaming, this is what is widely talked about all around gaming communities. But what is old school for me? This post is not about what old school is, it is how I find it to be... 1. Older game, published before 90's. 2. Still, you could play newer games old school style. 3. Hit points what determine how many blows your character can take instead of how seriously character can be wounded. 4. Challenges for characters what usually are combat encounters. 5. Challenges what Game Master creates for players. 6. Simple plot or adventure where you know usually e... more »


Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
*I accidentally A-Z challenge twice, is it bad? *So this is individual post :D Monsters in fantasy games are every day encounters what trouble villages, block dungeon paths and give challenge and experience points for players. In my opinion monsters are a bit too common in fantasy games to be really terrifying anymore. Usually monster becomes terrifying in fantasy games if: - It's really huge, final boss type. - It's something player's haven't met before and in meta-game players don't know how much damage it does, how hard it is to hit, or what abilities it has. Other monsters are ... more »

N for Noob in D&D and could I survive in REAL D&D group? (A-Z)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Still going with A-Z challenge. May is over, but I entertain myself to the end of alphabets. Now it is turn for letter N, what stands for noob in D&D. I never actually played any of D&D editions. When I was a kid, one of my friends had D&D Red Box Finnish version with a dungeon battle map, cardboard figures etc. We did play it once or twice, but never actually found it enough fun to play more. Maybe because we already had Warhammer, MERP, Rune Quest and other fantasy roleplaying games we were used to play already. One of my friends even got himself second hand AD&D 2nd Edition Dunge... more »

Modern fantasy feat. Harry Potter and WoD (A-Z part "M")

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
I watched all the Harry Potter's in order I had access to. From first to sixth. And I have to say, I enjoyed them! Even though the first is old, and Harry Potter is young and the whole movie is like overly long introduction to the series I liked it a lot. When I first time saw the movies, I didn't find them that fascinating or interesting. I started to watch them the second time, because I enjoy boring movies in the night. Helps me to fall asleep. Still, even though I thought that Harry Potter's would be perfect sleeping remedy, I was wrong! *Why Do I Like Harry Potter Movies?* * * T... more »

Levels versus no-levels ("L" of A-Z)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Levels or no levels... I personally don't mind levels even though I prefer systems where character's experience is determined otherwise. Two most common systems determining character's power and achievements are level based advancement and experience point based advancement. *Level Based Advancement* * * Usually you gain experience points what stack. When you have enough of them, you step up to next level. After leveling up, you assign new points and powers to your character, what are usually pre-determined based on the new level achieved. Usually you cannot develop your character b...more »

Knowing the players AND A-Z challenge thoughts

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Yeah, I know. I am at letter "K", what should be 13th when it's already 27th and there are only four posts of this challenge left (if you count today in). Yes, A-Z challenge. I did fall from the bandwagon and never could climb back. Of course, this month has been busiest ever. Fortunately, I have had time to play roleplaying games once or twice a week and also got a new product this tuesday (will read it, then talk it). So, basically I just continue now handling the letters in order. I am glad if I get time to do them within this month! Let's see... 16 entries/letters to blog, four d... more »

A-Z: J for Joy roleplaying games give for me

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
J for joy, not very imaginative. But it's the first word came up my mind, so I'll use it (oh and late in schedule for this challenge, as usual). *Life* I think I breath and live roleplaying games. I think about them a lot. When I am bored or have free time but nothing special to do, like for example downtime at work, waiting for something etc. my mind really often wonders to roleplaying games. And I enjoy it. Time flies, well, actually I don't mind waiting or something, thanks to imagination. It's really refreshing just to be able to be and let your mind wander. Naturally, I do thin... more »

A-Z: Ink rune magic

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
*"Spells, I know as many spells as I know runes, but I am limited to cast them, and be really, really sure when to cast a spell or not. My space is limited."* * * Ink rune magic is rune based magic, where you tattoo runes to your very own skin to wake the power of the rune and direct its power from your body and mind. Rune is the formula and knowledge. Your skin is the arbiter. Your mind is the discharger. If your character practices Ink rune magician, he learns runes as others learn magic in setting. His magic is more ritual type, than casting. He can tattoo the runes in advance, a... more »

A-Z: Handouts for players

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Wow, lots to update to keep in schedule. So, handouts, those extras game master hands for players to make gaming more intense. My opinion in handouts is, that they are really cool, but actually unnecessary. I mean, you can easily just describe things or give a scratch about something. Still, if you dedicate time to make a cool realistic handout, it makes way better immersion for players about what their characters see. Some possible handouts I have used: *Maps* There are maps in roleplaying games, but usually in fantasy settings these maps are tailored to suits GM's needs. To be fr... more »

A-Z challenge: G for Grimworld and game worlds and settings(oh the schedule)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
I think that this blog challenge for me is a failure. Still, even though I don't keep up like the rest of participants, I decided to hang on. For my own amusement. So, G for Grimworld. Grimworld was basically a fantasy setting/project, but when I thought about it I found that it's mere a toolbox. Or a synonym for my own fantasy toolbox. I mean, I won't ever write any detailed information about Grimworld. It grows and advances when I add items, or when I Game master it (if I ever will, that is). So, what's the point about this Grimworld, what is a fantasy setting but isn't? Here ar... more »

A-Z: F for Fading Suns, my science fiction favorite

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Here are few reasons, why Fading Suns is one of my favorite science fiction roleplaying games. *Rules Are Good* If I have understood right, some guys behind Fading Suns have been working with White Wolf before (Mage, maybe Changeling too, but most definitely mage...) And you can see something from oWoD in rules. Basically, you add attribute with skill to get target number, similarly like in oWoD. Difference is, that range in Fading Suns is 1-10 instead of oWoD's 1-5. In oWoD, you roll numbers equal to your attribute called dice pool (roll dice and all results that meet target number ... more »

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