Wednesday 4 April 2012

Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 game blog discusion

Why is the class on AOE/All or nothing called BoxOfDemons?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 day ago
I've heard a few people ask this question in-game. Basically, BoxOfDemons is the XBox Live gamertag of the guy who actually created the MW3 FFA Gun Game mode called All of Nothing (abbreviated to AOE). BoxOfDemons created the game mode for a private match and uploaded a video of it to's MW3 section. My guess is that somebody from IW saw that video on Reddit (both Bancandy and Robert Bowling have been known to look at that particular section of Reddit). That; or it just became a popular game mode in private matches and Infinity Ward picked up on it.

Flying glitch - Hacked lobbies

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 4 days ago
Lately, there has been an outbreak of hacked / modded lobbies where players end up flying off into the air. After witnessing this first hand, I can give some details on what happens in this kind of hacked lobby: When you shoot somebody and your bullets hit, you will get hitmarkers and it will look as if they disappeared. This isn't the case. In these kind of hacked lobbies, shooting somebody actually sends them flying back at a very fast speed. So fast that you don't even realize it at first. If the player you just shot is close to a wall etc, he or she will fly and smash against it... more »

What do I do if I end up in a hacked lobby?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 4 days ago
If you've landed in a hacked lobby, you should immediately power off your console. DO NOT leave the game. Simply hit the power button on your console or hit the dashboard button. Some hacked lobbies will mess with your stats. I've witnessed people getting -1000000 deaths added to their stats. I've also seen guys have their XP taken away from them, which means that they were sent all the way back to Level 1. If you stay during the game or if you press "Leave Game", anything that happened to your stats will be recorded. However, if you power your console off or dashboard, the game won... more »

Gun Game added to MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 6 days ago
IW have announced that they are adding a game mode called FFA Gunplay to the Community playlist, alongside Infection and Dropzone. FFA Gunplay will include four variations: *Gun Game* Like in Black Ops, you will have to progress through 18 different weapons in order to win. This includes 2 sniper rifles. *Second Variation of Gun Game* This game will cycle through six different weapons, three times over. I'm guessing that this will be kind of like sharpshooter. *One in the Chamber* One in the Chamber will also be returning to MW3 as a public game mode. Players will begin with one ... more »

Overwatch map on PS3 keep crashing

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 6 days ago
According to PS3 players, one of the DLC maps "Overwatch", keeps crashing. According to those that have experienced it, the game will load the map and then crash when 2 or 3 minutes of gameplay have passed. Other PS3 players have said that their consoles froze and that they received a number of "Lost connection to host" errors (more than what is usual). One player on the Call of Duty forums wrote: I played 2 games. First game my ps3 froze, second one I lost the connection to the host. My brother also played Overwatch 5 times. 2 freezes, 3 times lost connection to host. While a pl... more »

Leaked Black Ops 2 multiplayer information

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
Apparently, information about the Black Ops 2 multiplayer have been leaked on the Internet. Details include a new game mode called Escort and a revamped Perk system. The MOAB will not be returning, nor will Infected. However; Drop Zone and Kill Confirmed will both be returning in the next Black Ops game. Read more about the Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Leak.

Why did Robert Bowling resign?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
The big question on everyone's mind right now is "Why did Robert Bowling resign?" *Theory #1:* Robert Bowling got tired of all the hate that he received from Call of Duty players on Twitter. It eventually got to a point where he could no longer take it. Personally, I don't think this is the real reason for his resignation. Bowling has been receiving hate for a long time now. It's apart of the job description, unfortunately. For years, he has served as the community manager / creative strategist for Infinity Ward and I'm pretty sure that he had (or grew) the thick skin that was need... more »

Robert Bowling resigns

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
Infinity Ward's creative strategist / community manager has resigned today. Robert Bowling, aka Fourzerotwo announced his resignation on Twitter: Today, I resign from my position as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty, as a lead of Infinity Ward, and as an employee of Activision. This means that Robert Bowling no longer works for Infinity Ward or Activision as he has resigned from his position. This follows last year's spectacle, when a vast majority of the developers behind Call of Duty left Infinity Ward after two of its founders were fired by Activision. Those developers went on... more »

Bullets send players flying glitch

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
A Reddit user called trunksbomb joined a Team Deatmatch game on Carbon, only to find out that receiving damage from bullets would send you flying off into the air. Now obviously, this is one of the hacked / modded public lobbies that we've been hearing about over the past few weeks or so. Seeing is believing, and it looks as if hackers / modders have managed to bypass MW3's security and create public modded lobbies. In this match, trunksbomb said that after players were hit by bullets, they'd fly off into the air, sometimes landing outside of the map and being transported to the top ... more »

Hacked / Modded lobbies in MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
Yesterday, the community manager for MW3 (Robert Bowling) warned players not to accept random game invites from people they don't know. Apparently, hacked/modded lobbies / challenge lobbies have made their way onto MW3. In case you didn't already know, a hacked lobby or a challenge lobby can mess around with your stats. For example; some lobbies will rank you up to 15th prestige automatically, whereas other lobbies will actually take away all of your stats. On Twitter, Bowling said: Do not accept game invites or join Private Matches from any player you don't know & trust in #MW3. Th... more »

Gamebreaking AC-130 glitch found on MW3 - Blackbox

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
This doesn't look good. On a game on Blackbox (one of the new MW3 maps), a player manages to fire AC-130 bullets / rockets from his actual character by using some sort of glitch that he discovered. He was also able to fly up onto the top of one of the buildings on the map so that he could shoot unlimited AC-130 bullets. This makes me wonder. Is it a glitch in the game or has somebody managed to hack MW3?

Double XP now live on MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 week ago
Double XP is now live for Modern Warfare 3 on all platforms. In case you didn't already know, Double XP does exactly what it says on the tin. If you get 900 points in a game, 1800 points will be added to your XP. To make use of Double XP this weekend, you might want to give game modes such as Infection and Kill Confirmed a try. You might also want to pay close attention to what type of challenges you can complete in order to earn some extra XP and rank up. *What time does Double XP on MW3 start?* It started at: * 2AM PST (US) * 5AM EST (US) * 9AM in UK / Ireland

Banned for boosting - Bancandy

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 weeks ago
In case you didn't already know, an IW developer called Bancandy has spent the last few weeks reviewing player-submitted footage of boosters in MW3. After reviewing submitted videos, Bandcandy takes action and bans those involved. They guilty are also given a stat reset. Sometimes, the stat reset involves being given 0 kills and 1000 deaths. After being banned, boosters will often find that their in-game emblem has been reset to the Infinity Ward logo, which basically adds insult to injury. In the video below; one such booster received a ban after video footage of him boosting was s... more »

Clan Ops go live tomorrow

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
It seems as if Clan Operations will be going live tomorrow on COD Elite. According to the Call of Duty Elite Twitter page, the community's most anticipated feature will be available from tomorrow onward. In case you didn't already know - a number of technical issues with the website resulted in Clan Ops being held back for a couple of months. Apparently, the developers had to fix a number of underlying problems before the feature could be launched. Speaking on Twitter, the COD Elite team said: New ELITE functionality is almost here. Tomorrow, your most anticipated feature goes ful... more »

Overwatch gameplay

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
Here is a teaser of some gameplay on the new MW3 map: Overwatch. It kind of looks like a cross between Hardhat and Highrise from MW2. Overwatch will be released this month as a map pack for XBox Live Elite subscribers.

Will Gun Game be made public on MW3?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
In case you didn't already know, Gun Game was a popular game mode in Black Ops. Players started off on a weapon and had to progress through 20 different weapons in order to win the game. To progress past a weapon, you needed to kill somebody with it. Anyway, since release; Gun Game has existed in MW3 as a private game mode. However, so did Drop Zone and Infected; and since then - both of those game types have made their way onto the Community playlist (which allows them to be played via public matchmaking). On Twitter, Robert Bowling said that adding Gun Game to the community playli... more »

Claymore glitch - Infected - Friendly fire

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
Over the past day or so, videos have begun to surface on Youtube showing players on Infected killing their own team mates with claymores. Obviously, this is a glitch that will probably be patched as soon as it becomes a more common "trolling device". Basically, if you set down a claymore and shoot it while it's facing towards you, the blast will kill you and any team mates that are located behind you. This only seems to work if the blast kills you as well. There have been instances where players have been able to wipe out five or six of their own team mates in one blast. I'm not su... more »

New prestige levels coming to XBox / PS3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
The PC community was shocked yesterday when they realized that a number of new prestige levels had been added to MW3. For the moment, four hundred new ranks and five new prestige levels have been added to the game on PC. Speaking on Twitter, the Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling announced that it was indeed official and that the new prestige levels would also be added to the XBox 360 and the PS3 in the upcoming future. Bowling Tweeted: Added 400 new ranks of 5 new Prestige levels in Modern Warfare 3 on PC in latest patch. Expect the same on consoles soon for everyone! ... more »


Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
If you die in infected, you will lose your MOAB.

New Infected updates

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
A number of changes have been made to the Infection game mode (which can be found under the Community Playlist). 1. The throwing knife is back. My guess is that it was too difficult for infected players to get at survivors hiding on top of glitch areas. Approaching the balcony on Dome without a throwing knife was extremely frustrating to say the least, especially if the guys on top of it were rocking the PP90m1. 2. The RSASS sniper rifle is a new addition to the playlist. With this sniper rifle, you also get akimbo secondary handguns. 3. The 50. Cal sniper ri... more »

Infected glitch spots patched

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
A few days ago, Infected was added to the Community playlist and Dropzone was taken out. Since then, Infected has been a pretty popular game mode. Unfortunately, there were a few things were pretty annoying about Infected: - A lot of players spent the game trying to get up onto glitch areas in the map. This was annoying because if you were infected, there was no way you'd be able get at them unless you had a throwing knife. If a player standing on top of a glitch area had a striker or dual magnums, it would be close to impossible to get close enough in order to knife ... more »

Robert Bowling is literally Hitler

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 1 month ago
Robert Bowling, the community manager over at Infinity Ward (the guys who made MW3) - is literally Hitler. Here are some real photos of him with Osama bin Laden and Kim Jong-il. He even burned down an orphanage. Check out Bowling is Literally Hitler

Funny MW3 clips

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Funny clips from MW3:

Dead Man's Hand Glitch

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Once again, we're faced with an annoying glitch that could ruin the game for others. As if Dead Man's Hand wasn't already bad enough, it seems as if somebody has figured out a way to throw the C4 while they're lying on their back. Once the C4 is thrown, a frag grenade indicator shows up on the screen and points towards the C4 in question. Obviously; this is a bug in the game that needs some attention from Infinity Ward. Basically, it works like this: If you're holding the "throw" button WHILE you receive damage and fall into Dead Man's Hand, whatever you were about to throw becomes... more »

Boosters on MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Here is some booster justice from MW3.

Striker nerfed - other shotguns buffed

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
According to Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling, the Striker in MW3 has been nerfed (at least by a little), whereas all of the other shotguns have been buffed because of the general consensus that they were a little bit too weak in the past. Fourzerotwo broke news of the Striker nerf on Twitter: Updated #MW3 today; you'll notice improved lag comp, theater fixes, nerf to Striker, buff to all other shotguns, upload to YouTube faster. Another thing that will be welcomed by COD fans is the fact that they have applied some fixes to Theater Mode in MW3. Theater Mode had a number of annoying... more »

When do PS3 players get the MW3 DLC?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Because of Activision's ongoing deal with Microsoft (the company that owns the XBox 360), PS3 / PC players will not get access to the latest piece of DLC until March 2012. However, PS3 players who have paid for a premium subscription to Call of Duty Elite will get the map pack before XBox players who *haven't* paid for Elite. Here's a basic gist of who gets the DLC and in what order: * XBox 360 players with Elite subscription will get the map pack first. * PS3 players with Elite subscription will get the map pack second. * Regular XBox 360 players will get the map pack third. * Regu... more »

Liberation Gameplay

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Liberation is one of two multiplayer maps found in the first piece of DLC for Modern Warfare 3. This map is based on central park in Manhattan and supposedly, it boasts some wide open areas. Here is some gameplay / a walkthrough of the map Liberation. A walkthrough is much more informative because it gives you a full view of the map, whereas actual gameplay might not let you see how the map is laid out. Tweet

Piazza Gameplay

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
The first piece of DLC for MW3 has been released today, with Piazza and Liberation being the two downloadable multiplayer maps. Here is some actual gameplay / walkthrough of the map Piazza, which is based on an Italian coastal village. Walkthroughs like this are much more informative than regular gameplay as they show you the entirety of the map (as opposed to what you'll see via some dude camping in a corner). Tweet

Lag compensation in MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Ever since the term "lag compensation" became a hot topic within the Call of Duty community, I've noticed that a lot of people have been throwing the phrase around on Youtube, Twitter and other various gaming forums on the Internet where angry Call of Duty players like to congregate and grab one another by the throat. What frustrates me is the fact that most of the people that I've witnessed using the term "lag compensation" have made it perfectly clear that they don't actually understand what the hell it is. I've often heard people making stupid statements such as "Lag compensation ... more »

How do I enlist in Clan Operations?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Well, you can't. Not just yet anyway. The COD forums have been thronged with anxious Elite members asking about when Clan Operations will be available to players. To make matters worse, it is not yet clear when exactly clan operations (and double xp for your clan) will come into effect, as IW, Activision and Beachhead Studios have yet to pinpoint an exact date for their availability. According to the development team behind Call of Duty Elite, they had to push out a new version of the Elite system this month (January) in order to fix a number of bugs and issues with the website. U... more »

Prestige Token Glitch - Still not patched

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
The notorious Prestige Token Glitch has still not been patched. This is because the glitch cannot be patched via a hotfix. Instead, the fix requires some changes to MW3's code, which means that we'll have to await the next downloadable patch before the issue has been resolved. In case you didn't already know, this particular glitch gave players the ability to generate unlimited amounts of prestige tokens, which they could use to unlock classes and weapons that aren't available to people at their level. No, I do not have a tutorial on how to do the Prestige Token Glitch. If I did, I... more »

MK14 Damage Glitch has been patched

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Another day, another glitch patched... Over the past few weeks, news of a glitch for the MK14 Assault Rifle has been flooding Youtube, Twitter and gaming forums around the Internet. Basically, the glitch in question allows you to use the Damage proficiency on the MK14, which turns the assault rifle into a one shot weapon. No, I do not how this glitch worked and even if I did, I wouldn't post a tutorial on a blog that sees a lot of MW3-related traffic, lest I add to the problem and increase my chances of ending up in a lobby with a bunch of MK14-glitching douchebags. Anyway; appare... more »

Dome is MW3's most popular map.

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
According to FourZeroTwo, Dome is the most played / voted for multiplayer map on Modern Warfare 3. After a random Twitter user told Bowling that Dome was the worst map in the entire game, the IW community manager replied with: @BabyWhypes WHA?! Statistically speaking, DOME is the most played and most voted for map in #MW3. I personally prefer bigger maps.

Booster Justice - MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
Boosters are cheaters that basically ruin the game for other players. Click here to watch Booster Busting MW3. Watching boosters receive justice is always fun. Boosters team up with one another in FFA and trade headshots with one another. They use tactical insertions to hide and remain in one secluded spot on the map. While they aren't as common as they were in MW2, they are still an occurrence in MW3. Booster Busting MW3

Liberation and Piazza apart of MW3 DLC - January 24th Map Pack

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
On the 24th of January, XBox Live COD Elite subscribers will get access to the first piece of DLC for MW3. Two of the maps have been named as: *Piazza*: Piazza takes place on the coast of Italy. Piazza is described as being a chaotic vertical route map. This map has been designed to appease those who like close-quarters run-and-gun combat. *Liberation*: Liberation is a map situated in Manhattan, New York. Described as having fountains and castles, Liberation will supposedly have a lot of sight lines for snipers, which means that SMG and Assault Rifle users may have to adjust their ... more »

Is the next Call of Duty game called Iron Wolf?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 2 months ago
It is rumored that the next COD game will be called Iron Wolf. Will this be the case? Check out the article about it: Will Iron Wolf be the name of the next Call of Duty game? There's a screenshot in there as well.

Unreleased maps found in MW3 game files.

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 3 months ago
A Reddit user by the username of Furyhunter discovered unreleased maps in the MW3 game files this week. The under-developed multiplayer map, named *mp_coast* was last touched by IW in February 2011. As you can, it wasn't exactly finished. [image: mp_coast] More interesting things were also found in the game files. Here is what looks to be the original design of Arkaden. Judging from this shot, it looks as if Arkaden was redesigned somewhere along the line: [image: arkaden original] Loading screens from both mp_strike and mp_crossfire also found in the game files. Does this mean th... more »

MW3 - First Map Pack DLC details

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 3 months ago
On the 24th of January, 2012, the first piece of DLC for Modern Warfare 3 will be released. At first, it will only be available to XBox Live Call of Duty Elite subscribers (those who paid for the Call of Duty Elite subscription - i.e. premium members). Call of Duty map packs are always released on the XBox 360 before other platforms such as the PS3 and PC because Microsoft and Activision have an ongoing-deal. The DLC will contain: - New multiplayer maps. - New multiplater game modes (this is something new that we haven't seen in previous Call of Duty DLC). - New Spec Op... more »

Next MW3 patch / update

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 3 months ago
New updates and patches are on the way, according to Infinity Ward. The next update will make a better attempt to fix/address multiplayer lag. The melee jump, which is a glitch that allows the player to hurl themselves into the air will also be fixed. This jump allowed them to jump outside maps. They will also be removing buttons from clan tags on the XBox 360. At the moment, if a player enters particular codes into their clantag, images of XBox 360 buttons will appear. This update will also attempt to improve the logic of host migration. Maybe the host migration system has been cho... more »

MW3 patch / update notes - change log

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 3 months ago
A number of patches and hotfixes have been released by Infinity Ward since MW3 was released. Yesterday, they provided details of what these updates did. Update 1: This enabled Theater Mode, your Clip Vault and special private match options. This update also setup Facebook and Elite integration for launch day. Update 2: They fixed an issue where Theater Mode clips uploaded from Standard Definition TVs were out of proportion or skewed. An update to improve matchmaking was also released. Update 3: Theater Mode improvements were made. Most notably, the fixed an issue with Fast Forwar... more »

Funny MW3 clip

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 4 months ago
A care package chopper saves the enemy team from a Javelin multikill.

The only thing I miss about Black Ops

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 4 months ago
... is knifing people in public gun game matches and listening to their reactions. Here is WayneWexford doing some trolling in gun game by knifing people and recording their rage. Here's a full playlist of knifing in gun game videos.

Will MW3 have boosters?

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 4 months ago
According to reports from those who got the game early, the Tactical Insertion can be used in FFA in MW3. However, the Tac Insertion cannot be unlocked until Level 63. One thing's for sure: If MW3 has boosters, at least booster hunting will be a COD sport again.

MW3 countdown clock

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
A countdown clock for the release of Modern Warfare 3 on the 8th of November, 2011. Excited yet?

Your prestige levels from previous games will show on your MW3 callsign

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
Your prestige levels from COD 4, World At War, MW2 and Black Ops will appear on your MW3 callsign. [image: MW3 callsign]

Leaked MW3 video - main menu

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
A legitimate video of the MW3 menus. Lucky guy managed to get his hands on MW3 5 days early. Seemingly; they're blocking people from the multiplayer until release date.

Less than 7 days until MW3 is released.

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
After a long summer and autumn of waiting for Modern Warfare 3, we are less than a week away from getting our hands on the game. Will you be lining up at midnight for the release? Will you wait until the next day? Will you be waiting until Christmas?

Early copy of MW3 leaked

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
Apparently, people manage to get copies of MW3 early by getting them from small "mom and pop" stores. Yesterday, pictures of an early copy of MW3 on PS3 flooded the Internet. Below is a picture of the MW3 case with the disc inside: [image: MW3 case and disc] Below is the main menu for Modern Warfare 3: [image: MW3 menu] Below is a picture of the splash screen: [image: MW3 main menu]

MW3 Weapon Camos

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
A full list of the Weapon Camos in MW3 has finally been released. [image: MW3 camo list] From the camouflage list above: - NONE (no camo) - CLASSIC - SNOW - MULTICAM - DIGITAL URBAN - HEX - CHOCO - SNAKE - BLUE - RED - AUTUMN (like Fall in MW2?) - GOLD

Assassin users can be tagged by those using the Recon Perk

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 5 months ago
After the MW3 Perks were announced, many people felt uneasy at the prospect of Assassin becoming the new Ghost perk. In case you didn't already know, the Assassin perk is a Slot Two perk, which does the following: - *Regular:* Immune to UAVs, Heartbeat sensors, Portable Radar and Thermal. - *Pro Version:* Immune to the Counter UAV and the EMP As you can see, Infinity Ward have basically split up the Cold Blooded class. Assassin will not save you from killstreaks like Cold Blooded/Ghost did in the past. To help balance out the game a bit more, the Recon perk will allow pla... more »

MW3 Juggernaut Killstreak Gameplay

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
Here is some gameplay footage of the Juggernaut Killstreak in action. The Juggernaut suit will be a 18 killstreak in MW3. For more information, please see our page on MW3 killstreaks.

Sniper Rifles in MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
Thankfully, the COD XP event led to the discolsure of lots of information regarding MW3. In terms of sniper rifles, we learned that quickscoping has returned. We also got to see what sniper rifles players can choose in MW3. Here is a screenshot of the Modern Warfare 3 weapons menu, which shows the sniper tier: [image: Sniper Rifles MW3] Above, you can see that the sniper rifles are as follows: - Barrett .50 Cal - L118A - Dragunov - AS50 - RSASS - MSR Apparently, sniper rifles in MW3 will not have a random sway like they did in Call of Duty: Black Ops.

MW3 Multiplayer Gameplay

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
This is one of the first videos that actually showed MW3 multiplayer gameplay. It's a game of Domination on the map Resistance. The next piece of MW3 gameplay is a game of Search and Destroy on a map called Arkade. The player is using the AS50 sniper rifle and the Spas-12. This video is a game of Team Deathmatch on Underground. The player is using the Barett 50 cal sniper rifle. The next bit of MW3 gameplay shows a game of Killed Confirmed on the map Village. The player is using an AS50 sniper rifle with the ACOG. He can also be seen using the Spas-12. In case you didn't alrea... more »

MW3 multiplayer teaser trailer details

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
The MW3 multiplayer teaser was leaked before the official video was uploaded. Here are a number of notable scenes. [image: Kill Confirm3d] The above screenshot shows a number of interesting things: 1. A new game mode called Kill Confirm3d (kill confirmed) will feature in Modern Warfare 3. 2. The M4 is a primary weapon in MW3. 3. A new feature called "Proficiency" has been introduced. We're still not sure what a "Proficiency" is. However, in this case, the player has "Kick" equipped as a Proficiency. 4. You can choose two pieces of equipment in MW3. In this ... more »

MW3 Maps Leaked

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
When screenshots of the MW3 multiplayer menu were leaked, a screenshot of the MW3 multiplayer maps was also leaked. As you can see, the maps in MW3 will be: - Carbon - Coast - Dome - Exchange - Hardhat - Interchange - Lambeth - Meteora - Mogadishu - Paris - Plaza - Radar - Seatown

MW3 menu leaked

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
As you probably already know, those who attend COD XP will get to play the MW3 multiplayer. One of the latest leaks shows what looks to be the MW3 multiplayer menu: [image: MW3 multiplayer menu] As you can see from the screenshot of the MW3 menu/GUI above, the options are: - Find A Game - Closed Match (I'm guessing that Closed Match is the new name for Private Match) - Class Editor - Playercard - Elite Service - Barracks

MW3 Perks supposedly leaked

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
After a number of Youtube channels posted MW3 perk list information, their videos were immediately taken down after Activision filed a DMCA (take-down) notice against them. Fortunately for everyone who wants to see what perks will be in the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer, by the time the videos were taken down, the perk list had already been posted on several websites. To see the supposed perk list for MW3, see our MW3 perks page. All Youtube channels are advised not to upload this information.

MW3 will have dedicated servers

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
Today at Gamescom, which is the largest trade fair for interactive games, Activision announced that Modern Warfare 3 will have dedicated servers. This comes as great news to PC players, who felt jilted when it was announced that MW2 would use IWNet instead of dedicated servers. Activision, the publishing company behind the Call of Duty series, wanted to show that they are still serious about the PC platform.

The Dolphin Dive will not be returning in MW3

Wayne Whitty at Call of Duty - MW3 - 7 months ago
Treyarch introduced the Dolphin Dive in Call of Duty Black Ops. The dolphin dive basically allowed players to dive into a prone position. Some gamers liked the new feature - however, those who liked to dropshot found that it to be annoying as they could no longer dropshot while sprinting. FourZeroTwo announced on Twitter that the dolphin dive would not be returning in Modern Warfare 3: @Mikey4800 There's no dive to prone in #MW3 but I can't talk about MP specifics yet, but there are new modes.

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