Wednesday 4 April 2012

A-Z: E for Elements of magic

A-Z: E for Elements of magic

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Yet again a bit late, but next title is standing for elementals. Usually in roleplaying games elements are basics in magic and types of elemental entities. There are four basic elements; water, fire, earth and air used in both magic and elementals. But there might be additional elements and elementals in addition to those basic four. These might be for example light and darkness and more exotic ones. Elements tell the nature of magic, for example. Fire could be damaging, earth protecting, water healing and air for statuses. There might be different schools in magic (good example of... more »

A-Z: Don'ts for GM

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Yeah! In schedule. *Don'ts For GM - 5 GM's Shouldn't Do During Get Together Gaming Evening Based On My Personal Experience, As A GM* * * I love the headline... But let's get down the business. 10 don'ts GM's shouldn't do, but what I have done and know I should have done it better. 1. Forget food, snacks and drink. People get hungry. Also in game sessions if they are long enough. It's also unwritten custom to eat snacks for fun, and maybe to keep that bigger hunger off. And drinks, of course you need to keep your throat moist as a GM you usually talk alot. What if you forgot them all?... more »

A-Z: Combo for combat

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 11 months ago
Ooops, I did it again... posted yesterday Saturday's post but forgot to post yesterday's, so today I am posting yesterday's and now I wont stand up from this PC before I have written also today's so I can catch up the schedule. Sheez, so much trouble. *Yesterday's Letter C Today Stands For...* * * Combo for combat. In many video games there are combo meters, what grow or gain points when you do special feats giving your character access to higher and more powerful actions and attacks. I have do admit, that I am not sure if there is roleplaying game system using some combo system al... more »

A-Z: Beehive, random challenge dungeon

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Wow, again, schedule sucks! Why am I so busy now? Well, I'll get to right schedule. This is actually post for 04/02/2011 what should have been Saturday. But well... this is how it goes now. So, today it will be Saturday's post for letter B for A-Z blog challenge... *What Is Beehive* * * Beehive is repeatable challenge quest in Perfect World mmorpg. I have to admit, that I have never attended it, so what I know about it is just what I have heard about it. But anyways, this blog is not about the beehive challenge quest in Perfect world mmorpg, but what inspiration it could give for ro... more »

A-Z: Animal companions

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
This is my first entry for Tossing it out's A-Z blog challenge. Read more in the website, if you don't know what it's all about. Anyways, for some reason I totally forgot to do this 1st of April, so I do today in this post the first entry with letter A what I should have done yesterday. And I will do today second entry with letter B to keep up to date. So, here it is, yesterdays post today! *Animal Companions, Just Buffs For Characters?* * * By animal companions here I mean fantasy games, where some character class m... more »

Downloads & Links

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago I have this small downloads section in my blog. Currently there are some stuff I've made to use in roleplaying games, but I also added a possibility for links. What does it mean? It means, that if you want link to your rpg related downloadable stuff included in my downloads & links page, I can add it (if I find it suitable). So, do you have something homebrew you share over the internet people can download? Give me email to doomproducts [at] gmail [dot] com and if it's cool, I'll add proper link to that downloadable file. It does... more »

How to take advantage creating RPG quests and campaigns using MMORPG quest model?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
This is not about playing MMORPG instead of playing RPG because you as a GM just haven't got anything prepared. This works best for those Game Masters who are familiar with MMORPGs and haven't got anything spectacular prepared for next or current session. *MMORPG Quests to RPG Quests And Their Differences* * * Kill certain amount of monsters, talk to NPCs in order, deliver items from one place or NPC to another, find resources for quest... Really basic everyday MMORPG things to do. Actually, similar quests we run into roleplaying game campaigns. NPC in distress, monsters to kill, ite... more »

5 plots for Dungeons & Dragons or fantasy setting

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
This is my second post on the "5 plots for..." series. First was for Vampire: the Masquerade, I am currently running. Earlier I did run D&D 3rd edition game in generic fantasy setting I made up during the course of play. Anyways, here are 5 plots for Dungeons & Dragons and other fantasy genre games. *1. Death Penalty By Drowning* * * Characters are captured and accused to be spies or other henchmen of evil out of no reason. The village they are in just finds characters outsiders and vile. They are in the jail of this city and are judged to face death by drowning. There is nothing th... more »

Changes on Cradle of Rabies blog

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
If this is not your first time visiting here, and you remember this blog, you immediately noticed that colors are changed. I like dark and black, but for my opinion last template with black backgrounds, white texts and red headers was a bit too heavy to read. And as everyone knows, light colors make the effect of more room. I think, that this more white template and color setting blog doesn't look so stuffy anymore. Also you see the header. Originally it was a huge wall of tl;dr manifest about what roleplaying games and -gaming is. I think, that people who visit here already know w... more »

How to make JRPG to PNP RPG?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I am playing Chrono Trigger, and it is awesome. Great example of JRPG. Awesome story, sense of humour, turn based combat system, items what make you a bit better, skills and spells. Similar to earlier Final Fantasy series. While playing Chrono Trigger I started to think, what kind of pen and paper roleplaying game would be, and what elements it must include to be JRPG style. Here are some points. *Deep Characters* * * Player characters are deep. And unique. There is not necessarily race restrictions, but almost anything is possible. Even though there are only one or two main races i... more »

Sankarten Polku - Rules in a nutshell

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Sankarten Polku is small OD&D clone project of my own. I decided to start making it just for entertainment. My goal is to make easy system with core rules I can develope based on what challenges player Heroes encounter. Basic rules are the same, but as I make dungeons, challenges, traps and monsters with special abilities I can easily include the special rules on those descriptions. * * I know there are various oldschool clones out there, but somehow I am a bit intimitaded of their pagecounts. I want this to be small, easy for me to run, easy to develope further and modify and ofcour... more »

Pictures of huge monsters for inspiration

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
What is more terriffying than huge monsters? Dragons make even experienced party nervous and humongous monsters are something 21th century people are not used to. It doesn't matter how big your laser weapon is if your opponent's is bigger and it's armor thicker. Here are the monsters, that make your player's characters weep. *Disclaimer: I found this neat picture somewhere around internet. Unfortunately I don't know the source for image compilation nor who the original artists are.* * * *So, I apologise for violating copyrights, but these pictures are so awesome. So, who ever you ar... more »

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