Wednesday 4 April 2012

Many faces of vampires

Many faces of vampires

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Vampires. Stalkers of the night, feared by commoners but romanticed by poets. Monstrous bloodsuckers, beautiful seducers or elegant lords. What do they live from, where does their condition come from and what are their motives? *A Diceace* Vampirism is a condition that is spreading through a bite. Folklores are right. You get bitten by a vampire, you turn into one. There is no magic, mystery or curses, just a dicease that catches when diceaseds saliva catches your blood. * *What does this condition do to you? When people have urge to eat something, they have a shortage of some nutr... more »

LotFP: RPG: The Village Elder: A Quest-Giving NPC For Your Nex...

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
LotFP: RPG: The Village Elder: A Quest-Giving NPC For Your Nex...: "(PCs hear rumors of missing young people in a close-by farming village… sounds like an adventure hook! Traveling to the town, they are direc..." So good read. This is how NPC's should react to questing characters.

[DnD] Oh, it was too easy

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
LuvMina has now hook for adventuring. She want's to be a part of mages guild, but she needs to proof herself to be qualified as she actually is sorceress. So, quests to do. First quest was simple. One apprantise of mages guild was sent to a mission but he forgot to return a book to guild's library he had. So LuvMina had to obtain it back. To apprentice's home she went and examined house of two rooms from outside and decided that she tried to make her way in from backdoor, as there was a lock on front door. Back door was closed inside with a hook so she took a stick from a planting a... more »

[D&D] How to give missions to player?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Storytelling games... well they are different. You don't necessarily do quests in those. I mean, while I write this I am watching Elder Scrolls: Oblivion gameplay from cloned TV screen and in computer games you run here and there, talk to people and you can find missions and quests everywhere. Someone has serious rat problem at their wine cellar, someone lost his wedding ring, someone is concerned about those orcs making a camp near the city border... There is always something to do. Hard part is, that I and my player must get rid of this WoD-ish mindset and tune our mind into fant... more »

My way to play D&D and Answering onlinedm for previous posts comment

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
onlinedm said... It's been a while since I played 3rd Edition, but I don't think gold counts as experience points in that edition as it did in earlier editions. Gold is one bucket, which is used to buy stuff. Experience is another bucket, which is used to level up. From looking at the table on page 166 of the 3rd Edition Dungeon Master's Guide, it looks like a CR1 monster/trap/situation is worth 300 XP, so that should probably be LuvMina's total right now (plus whatever she might have earned from catching Francis the thief). Yes, that puts her 30% of the way to gaining a level, bu... more »

[DnD] Half-way there to lvl up, what happened and thoughts about DnD

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Yesterday was a serious experience bomb for character. I quess. Don't know how fast does character gain lower levels, or how much experience points should an individual get after a session. Player was happy though, and that's what matters. LuvMina (the character) had 35 experience points from sessions one and two. He agreed to halflings deal. There's that beggar with lots of money. He does beg and has gained great wealth from it. But he is also extremely stingy. That's why he is still a beggar, but a wealthy one. As that rich beggar doesn't need gold as he just stacks it, Francis ha... more »

[DnD] Spells into cards

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Okay, character being magic-user he obviously needs spell list. There is not that much space to write down details of spells, and it is slow to use PHB to find spell descriptions. So, what to do? I downloaded Magic Set Editor (get it HERE). Basically it is used to build custom trading card game cards (ie. Magic: the Gathering) but with a bit of imagination, it can be used in various different ways. I used it to build card for every spell character knows. It is easy to flip cards on your computer screen (or hands if you print them). I wrote down spell effect and necessary information... more »

Francis Fanfingers - Halfling thief

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I haven't generated my own character yet for D&D, so here it comes. This is actually NPC, but I'll roll him up for laughs. I decided, that he will be level 2 so I can also see that how gaining a level affects a character, so I can prepare in advance when my player does so. I first make 1st level character. Then add his second level modifications on top of that. *Name:* Francis Fanflingers *Race: *Halfling *Class: *Rogue *Level: *2 *Experience points: *1000 *Aligment: *Chaotic Good *ABILITIES:* *Strength: *6 (-2) *Dexterity: *17 (+3) *Constitution: *12 (+1) *Intelligence: *15 (+2) *Wi... more »

[D&D] How will I award experience points

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Even though the story and adventure are important in game not to forget the actual fact, that roleplaying games are one way to socialize and have fun with friends, you cannot forget that players need awards from the play. As rpgs are set in imaginary world with imaginary characters doing imaginary quests, also awards should be imaginary. Of course characters can find better equipment but also get better doing stuff. That is where experience points come along. You perform tasks, and get better to perform more difficult tasks. You kill small monsters enough to get to kill those bigger... more »

How do I see halflings in D&D?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Image of halfling in Player's book isn't like Tolkien's hobbit. D&D halfling are small and thin, not small and clumsy looking. I know how kender are in Dragonlance, so I thought that my halflings would be like kender. They actually look alike. Halflings also got mildly pointed ears. So, my halflings are not pipe smoking lazy mega-eaters, but sly and cunning, talkative and funloving adventurous persons. But hey, isn't that their description already? I know that hobbit is different "race" than halfling are, but I have always imagined, that halfling are non-copyright-violating version ... more »

Dungeon Master's Desktop + First (second but reseted) gaming session

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So, here is basically what DM needs. I don't have combat grid and minis, so they don't count. 1. Rulebooks. As you can see, my D&D books are for third edition. I also own Forgotten Realms Campaign setting, but thought that as we play we develope our own sandbox world (too lazy to read yet another book as I gotta finish reading Player's Handbook and DM's Guide). 2. Some dice. I got D3, several of D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 and D20. I got also lots of D10s for World of Darkness games, but they are separated. Watching my dice cup I realized that I most definately need m... more »

DnD + Perfect World... well screw that!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Okay, I was really excited on doing my DnD campaign on mmorpg Perfect World, but screw that. Don't get me wrong, but there is too much in a world to handle. I decided, that our hero sorceress Luv Mina who wanted to see world did not go to some lame camp at the middle of nowhere, but instead went to a city. If you have lived your whole life in a small town or inn and everytime you saw those heroes wanted to be something, and when finally you leave home wouldn't you go to a place where actually is happening something? Answer is: Yes. So, city it is. Forget Perfect World. City shall b... more »

So, I need a reason for going into a dungeon

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I already have a world map and knowledge and image of different locations, as has my player. We did launch our Dungeons & Dragons game yesterday, a bit like introduction. Character arrived to town what is actually now made of four barricated tent supplements. At the south from these four tent compounds what are now called: *Sumer Camp*. Sumer Camp is located to the west for human capital Sword city in the Victory plains. Before Sumer Camp, there was Sumer City. But it was raided by hobgoblins and people living there had to flee. They bledged help from King of Sword City, but king w... more »

Labeling these jars of posts

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I got sick of my labeling. What I have learned after (re-)launced my campaign blog (in finnish here) that you must have some kind of a plan about how you want to label your post, or you end up having a horrible mess! That's where this blog ended. So I deleted every single label and will do all the work again. Now with a plan. I decided to think what kind of labels I want to use to make things clear. 1. NAME OF THE GAME: This label is quite obvious. If I talk about certain game in my post, I will label what game I talk about 2. GENRE: For those interested in certain genre, I... more »

DnD character Luv Mina - short motivational story

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Okay, now we got clear image of what we will play with DnD. Perfect World (previous posts). I think we will make the adventure from the scrap. Won't detail world too much but will use the knowledge of mmorpg and colour the rest ourselves. We had discussion just few minutes ago about this campaign and agreed about it. I was keen to start right away. It's a bit late, so not much time to play but just to... open the cork for this game. I asked my player (Countess Samael) to write a small text about Luv Mina so we have some idea where she is coming and where she is going. She is a bit ... more »

D&D character and campaign planning - World map

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
As in previous posts I have planned, my DnD campaign will be loosely set in mmorpg Perfect World. Here is awesome map of the area I will use: I will do modifications to map. Point areas where what race lives, what city belongs to whom, point out places of interest et cetera. But that is base for our campaign. *Source for map:*

D&D character and campaign planning - Character portraits

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
These pictures are from mmorpg Perfect World my-en server. Reason why I post them here, I will run my DnD campaign in Perfect World! This beautiful young lady is Luv Mina. Main character (character "sheet" here) Here are few characters I will make as NPC's. I hope my player who rolled her PW character for DnD will be thrilled meeting our alternative characters in mmorpg! *L* Azathara is werefox, what basically is a half furry half hottie. And that character class can turn into fox. Also they can tame pets to use in combat... Not sure what race in DnD would do that part. Sorcerers... more »

D&D character and campaign planning

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So, we rolled our first D&D character for 3rd edition. Well, actually I didn't roll it as I will be DM but my gf rolled the character. She wanted to do a mage and used her Perfect World mmoprg character LuvMina as an inspiration. In PW mmorpg Luv Mina is a mage, so in D&D she is a sorcerer. Half-elf to add some flavour, even though in Perfect World mages are human. I give the character stats now, you can skip this section if you find numbers for 1st level character boring. But there will be more after this in this post! *Name:* Luv Mina *Class: *Sorcerer *Race:* Half-elf *Level:* 1... more »

Playing D&D With Porn Stars: Why I Love Simple Initiative

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Playing D&D With Porn Stars: Why I Love Simple Initiative: "The players come around a corner and there's a bunch of goblins about to eat a baby. It's time to fight. Who goes first? The most realisti..." I have heard of this blog, mostly thanks for its notorious title. I did also know that this gaming group plays mostly DnD. Somehow now, today I thought that I'd check out this blog and decided to start from the very beginning. And wow, first post (after players introduction) was cool. I usually roll Initiative for all the bad guys, maybe different initiative for boss-figure if there... more »

Horrible nightmare! My V:tM was destroyed

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
We were starting to play Vampire: the Masquerade and created a character but decided to watch some movie before we start playing. I left my V:tM book on the floor leaning against a table. After a movie when we started playing I went to fetch my Vampire rulebook and... [b]Cats had destroyed it while we watched that movie![/b] My V:tM was ruined, bitten through and scratched to bits. Oh the horror.

Yey we did D&D character!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition* Today we did it. Our first D&D character. Well, my girlfriend did it herself as I will be a game ma... *krhm* DUNGEON Master. * * She wanted a spell caster of some sort and checking out the possibilities we decided to make her character to be sorcerer. Race is half-elf for elven are too... pointy eared and human too dull. It was kinda strange and fun to roll your character. Last x games have been point buy systems, so rolling a character was a fresh wind for us. But one thing I have to say, that even though character creation took only 2 hours or so ...more »

Fadinf Suns - 133 sessions and finished

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Yeah, finally we got to end our Fading Suns campaign after 133 individual gaming sessions. Game ended when they were starting yeat another adventure. Good climax and good place to continue if there will be inspiration again. Now I am happy and we can move on on next games. Thank you Fading Suns for yet another fun campaign full of surprises. What a great game you are.

Time travelling Squirrels - almost done, need something

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Wow, this is actually almost done! Need to polish it here and there and read it and try to translate it in english so it would be even semi-understable. And then good readers, you can enjoy it also! This game will be like awesome. Well worth of Ennie and your granny. If there are people who would like to draw cartoonish squirrels with cool gadgets made of junk, contact me! I won't pay you, but you'll see your artwork in this piece of cr... mastery. So, soon, I will post this asesomely layouted PDF of squirrels trying to save their home forest here. Stay tuned. And it's a kids game... more »

New World of Darkness is not for me...

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I cannot help it. I have tried. I have really tried to read a nWoD book and plan to run a game, but no. It is not interesting. I tried to run W:tF and it was fun storytelling, but when game changed to technical where you actually needed Forsaken setting the campaign died. I had no interest to read the fluff. I could do Werewolf character, and that's it. Now I have tried to read Vampire: the Requiem and got to page 20 or so when I started to read Clanbook Nosferatu for V:tM and A World of Darkness sourcebook and totally forgot whole Requiem. I have already read both AWoD and C:N, but... more »

She wants to do a mage

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Okay, this is a part many of you would live better life without knowing, but when I go to bathroom I take random roleplaying game book from my shelf and read it. Now my bathroom reading is old (well, 1993) finnish roleplaying game called Elhendi. It's about elves. There is also possibility to play dwarf or a human, but main focus is on elves. Game itself is... well, old. In 1993 finnish roleplaying games were quite oldfashioned compared to the fact there was already for example Vampire: the Masquerade. Elhendi uses tables for damage for example. A bit like rolemaster. Otherwise it i... more »

[V:tM] One Nosferatu haven

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*My haven* My haven is a little detached house just outside town. Subway goes near so it's easy for me to go to city when ever I need to, as I don't have a car or even a license to drive one. Not that the lincense is what I need, no, I don't know even how to drive a car. And gladly the subway takes only about 10 mins to get to town, so its really convenient and fast. So, how shall I describe my little house, lets see... Well, theres not much to say about it. Its quite small, but enough for me. 2 rooms and a kithcen, which is no use for me of course, and a bathroom. It also has a ... more »

V:tM Nosefratu character. Q&A

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
These questions are from V:tM corebook. This chronicle has ended already, but I decided to post this Q&A part of the character creation. Character is not mine, but player's of mine. *How old are you?* I was Embraced in the year 1991, when my mortal age was 25. I have been a vampire for 18 years now and if you look under the partly rotten and scaly skin, you can still see that i look about 25 years old. *What was unique about your childhood?* Nothing unique, i was bullied at home and in high school and because of that, I ended up using pills, drugs and alcohol more than i should have.... more »

My chronicles in interwebs!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I did use blogspot to save my roleplaying campaigns, gaming sessions, characters, npc's etc. but decided to try out wiki. I found, that I am too lazy to edit wiki, so turned back into blogging. I know, that blog is not best possible thing out there to write down your campaigns but meh, it is fastest and easiest one. So, now I got blog for my rpg campaigns and camaign stuff again. Unfortunately, it is in finnish, so majority of people reading this blog wont understand a single word I save there. Still, here is the address: I tried to use my epic google ... more »

I really need to buy PDF's and save them into a memory stick

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
PDF's are great format for RPG's. Well, I prefer books, as you can see them, feel them and read them comfy in your bed. But what is good in PDF's that you can take them with you. Anywhere. You can stuck hundreds of RPG books in the size of your finger. One thing I don't like in PDF's is that I have bought already that RPG book, and then again I should buy it again to get a PDF version of it. There are few bundled sets where you get also PDF after buying the book, but it is rare. Different case is if I first buy PDF, but I got several RPG books already bought, so it buggers me to buy... more »

[FS] Pregnant in space - could happen to anyone

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
When Chiasm met Sarwen and was introduced for the crew of old Vorox spaceship called "Dragon", she little knew how her life would change. Everyone suspected, that Chiasm and outgoing, extrovert, helpful and charming Sarwen would end to be together, but Chiasm only felt Sarwen as a friend. No romantic feelings, but a good friend indeed. But that mysterious, silent and introvert Ur-Ukar called Arpi (Scar in engl.) was something that catched her eye. Space can be a lonely place. Even though you have your crew and friends, but lonely in a warm intimate way. Many do find comfort from cou... more »

Fooling around with DnD + MGME

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I took my DnD 3. Player's Handbook in purpose to make character for a fun. I didn't have printed character sheets so I decided to make character sheet for Excel. My girlfriend came to watch what I am doing and she got bored quite soon and asked me to show how that Mythic Game Master Emulator works. So I saved the file I was working on and opened GM emulator tool. I tried to explain her showing both GME tool and MGME core book, but she did not quite understand how it works (I am bad at explaining stuff, 1pt flaw) so I told her let's try it out. As I was making DnD character sheet, I ... more »

Timetravelling squirrels with gadgets

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
In one forum there is a competition where you must write a game or an adventure. The topic for the competition is *time* and requirement is * animal*. At first I had hard time inventing something for the requirements, but then the idea hit me! The forest is destroyed by human and animals living there are left homeless. Wise owl who escaped from human research institute came back wiser than ever. Wise owl developed time machine to travel in past to make a change. A company of couragous squirrels took the quest with aid of owl's gadgets. So, the squirrels are in an adventure to preve... more »

Rules - examples or not?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I personally like when there are examples of rules in the rulebook. I think, that same time you read and try to digest the rules and after a new thing there is example how it works, it is faster and easier to learn when you actually see how that works. You might do few test rolls to try the mechanics, but if there are examples you see how the mechanics work while you read. One quite recent example of this is Call of Cthulhu 6th edition. It was a while since I last time played it. Actually several years, almost a decade. I did remember the basics of the rules but didn't quite remembe... more »

Got Dungeons and Dragons books

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I have critisezed D&D in few posts. It is not a game for me, but meh, I am a rpg collector. And got this good opportunity to get two D&D books for my collection. So, here those are: *Dungeons & Dragons 3. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting*. I am not sure, if Forgotten Realms is the best setting out there for D&D. I quess there are better basic fantasy settings, as those a bit more "weird" settings. But currently I am playing Baldur's Gate 1 with PC, and it is really a good game. So, I thought, that Forgotten Realms could be this basic adventurous fantasy setting for company my D&D. ... more »

[MGME] Vanguard the investigator

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
With zero preparation I decided to finally try out Mythic Game Master Emulator, after reading about it again from ( search results ) I also found this really handy tool for it. *klick* So, here is the short 4 scenes story I got: Vanguard the investigator is sheltering from rain in his local pub drinking hot tea with whiskey. Bartender seemed to be a nice guy, even though a bit feminine in his pink scarf. Bar seems to be quite deserted, even if in one corner there is a couple. Woman is crying and it seems like she is leaving his man. Vanguard looks at the situation fo... more »

Dreams of after apocalypse

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Everyone knows what happens if you concentrate on something before going to sleep. Yes, your night is full of it. I call this the tetris-effect (have you in you mind put those darn blocks all the night?). Thanks for starting to write my post-apocalyptic setting last night before going to sleep for first, I couldn't get sleep. Too much ideas going in my mind. When I finally fell asleep, what do I dream about? The fluff of my system. Basically my night was pretty restless. But there is a good part also in it. Okay, I am tired, but I am also full of ideas and I cannot wait my working d... more »

Writing post-apocalyptic

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I started to write my post-apocalyptic setting. It is fun, as I have made the rules already, just to let imagination flow and write ideas down. I don't need to think rules at all at this point, I can just write. I was thinking, what would be my special catch of this setting. It is not that something has happened, and world is ruined (that is included though, as post-apocalyptic heh) but how it happened. Well, there's the twitch. People don't know what, how and why did happen to cause this apocalypse. There are several theories through from religion to war to science. But there is no... more »

Post-apocalyptic, eveyone has seen that one already

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I want to write my first rpg supplement for my own rules set. But now the genre or setting I'd like to write the most is post-apocalyptic one. But there is one problem. World is full of post-apocalyptic stuff. Movies, games, roleplaying games, books, comics and so on. Why should I write yet another post-apocalyptic setting? Someone might say, that if it has an unique twist, it is worth it. But meh, if there is no special twist or something new? I mean, I am not sure do I have any new ideas. I am not sure could I bring something new into post-apocalyptic genre. Or do something better... more »

Retro time

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I have wanted for some time do it retro style. Luckily, there is plenty of OD&D retro clones available, most of them for free. So I had just to google some options through and pick one up what I liked the most. Mazes and Minotaurs is good, I have heard. And it looked nice. Only problem was though, it was quite big book with two separate parts for player's and gamemaster. So I decided to skip that for it's amount of read. A little more digging and I found Swords & Wizardry. 118 pages so not that bad. And spell lists take a great slice out of page count. Illustration is fun and oldsch...more »

White Wolf swapping, got H:tR

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I am not that into sourcebooks, I like to collect main rulebooks more. But White Wolf is exception, especially old World of Darkness series. That is currently only games line I like and want to collect also source books. Some time ago I got a nice deal of Werewolf: the Apocalypse sourcebooks, I posted earlier (link to post). Last week I saw a sales advertisement at about some White Wolf stuff. There was also Hunter: the Reckoning I have been wanting for ages. I didn't want to put money for it (well, I would have, but my girlfriend doesn't allways appreciate me buying... more »

Creating a character with newbie

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I have this internet friend I met playing one mmorpg. Even after we both basically quit playing it we have been keeping touch via Facebook and messenger. So, he knows that I am a table top roleplayer and I quess everything he knows about playing roleplaying games what aren't computer based is from me. Same time I am testing my own system YDIN N6 Mini so I asked him, would he like to make a character for it. He agreed. I have been sending my system for various people I know over the internet who do play roleplaying games, but I thought it might be interesting to try to create a char... more »

I want to oldschool, now please.

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Why, oh god why do I want to kill orcs and skeletons in a dungeon without wondering, why are those poor bastards there? Why do I want to find old swords to trade for few copper pieces and candle jacks and diamonds to sell for money my character doesn't actually even need? Why do I want to swing a sword and throw a dice to kill stuff because some random hooded dude at the inn told so? Why I kill or find everything I am told to without hesitation? I so much would like to oldschool right now. I don't care about what is the exact defination for "oldschool rpg", but what ever. I want a cha... more »

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