Wednesday 4 April 2012

Private detective for YDIN N6 Mini

[1000 and 1 characters] Private detective for YDIN N6 Mini

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Based on this topic, I start now with my own system, not with Fading Suns as I planned. There will be new label also titled *1000 and 1 characters*for similar character posts. So, here is the first: *NAME: *Simon Weston *LOOKS: *A bit overweight round faced with brown hair and eyes. Wears weary suits. *ROLE: *Private detective *ATTRIBUTES:* *Power: *2 * Dexterity: *3 *Body: *2 *Perception: *5 *Intelligence: *4 *Charisma: *4 *SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES:* *Hitpoints: *16 *Wounds: *4 *Initiative: *8 *Defence: *3 *SKILLS:* Light firearms: 3 Medium firearms: 1 * *Hand to hand combat: 1 Dodge: 1 ... more »

YDIN N6 Mini beta 1 out there!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Yes, I have this main project of my own rpg system, but it is really time consuming, as I am making whole mechanics out of a scratch. So writing, calculating, thinking, giving current ideas out to evaluate and stuff. It is fun, but slow work. So, I decided to do this mini version of Ydin. Basically it uses similar rules and is compatible with my main project. Only difference is, that I finished beta version of it already. Basic rules contain 8 pages in pocketmod format, (check out here what pocketmod is) so it is quite compact system. Of course it cannot cover everything, but in di... more »

How heroes kick multiple asses?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I use Dynasty Warriors console/PC game as an example. There are those normal enemy forces, what you kill whit few hits. And in one scenario, you can easily kill hundreds of them. But how is it in rpg's? You kill few mobs one by one, hitpoint by hitpoint. I have dreamed of making a game of legendary warriors, whose swordsmanship and battle skills cannot be compared with common folk and soldiers. Those, who run through battle field and swing their sword. Instead of taking 10 blows to one enemy, they kill 10 enemies with 10 blows. Fast and furious and deadly. But how to make this work... more »

What makes good rpg system?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
The big question. There are hundreds of rpg systems and some of them work better than others. Still, what games I don't like several people find great. It is just a question of taste. There is no ultimate truth for good system. This is just a personal taste, what makes a good system. Everyone has their favourites and those, they don't like as much. And even those they hate. I read this* blog, and got idea to share my description(s) of good rpg system. * more »

Skill lists, what a pain!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I got this inspiration rush towards my rpg project Ydin. I know how mechanics work, but currently I am re-writing it and also layouting it. All evening and night last 5 hours I have been writing and struggling with technical issues (my noobism doesn't affect it at all) but making progress. As I know everything about the rules (hey, I made them) I am currently writing them out in the order they are presented in index. But currently my inspiration died. Skill list! I have previous skill list, but I am not 100% happy with it. I want my games skill list to be all covering as possible, b... more »

GTA: Vice City to rpg

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I know, that GTA: Vice City is older game. But it is great fun. Point here is, that when I did read GTA: Vice City's manual, I couldn't but to think about making this 80's Miami Vice style game into Vampire: the Masquerade. I wanted long time to run V:tM in oldschool. 90's would be great, as V:tM is product of that time. But running Vampire setting in 80's? How awesome is that? Basically Vice City is about reputation and controlling town. Doesn't that suit into Vampire very well? Also the manual is written like travel procure, so it is easy to convert into V:tM setting city. Now I... more »


Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
(Reply request in form of "poll" included). Someone might know already, how I love White Wolf's World of Darkness products. There are many rpg's that are really cool and fun, but there's something about WoD. It is brilliant. It is pure gold. I love it. Especially old World of Darkness. And now I feel extatic! I made the find of the century. In finnish auction site called in section of roleplaying-, strategy-, board- and card-games section I found the deal of my life! Werewolf: the Apocalypse 2nd edition pack! And I don't mean Garou pack, but game books pack. It included... more »

Hearing and sharing - RPG blogs

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago is one great site. There is great collection of rpg blogs, and sometimes you can spend hours reading other people's thoughts. And you can even interact with them. One thing I like about blog over forums is, that forum is ment for public discussion. Forum is not best place to put your thoughts on paper (so to speak) and think about something, what is important for you. It is not good start for profilic discussion. But in blog, you basically first write down your thoughts. What you are thinking and planning. Then you post your diary note on internet for oth... more »

Cyberpunk V3.0 - One cool concept... on paper

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I think Cyberpunk V3.0 is one of the biggest flops in rpg industry. It looks horrible, doesn't have same coolness that it's previous versions, it's hard to read, illustration sucks, rules suck... I haven't heard anything good about whole game. But still, in every pile of c..p there must be something good also. What that might be in CPv3 then? Mike Pondsmiths forewords. Yes, they are utopistic when you actually hold the product in your hands, but still, the idea is quite awesome he visualizes in it. Let's take a lookin there. *Basically *Mike tries to tell, how CPv3 is easy to start... more »

The Sims, tool for rpg's?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
(Note, in this post I talk about *The* *Sims 2*, as The Sims 1 is not advanced enough for this purpose and I don't have experience from *Sims 3*). The Sims 2 is life-simulation/doll house game, where you create your sims and build houses and community places for them. Basically Sims 2 is building and decoration game but also advanced virtual pet. So, how can one use *The Sims 2* for *roleplaying purposes*? I don't mean, that you could use The Sims for roleplaying in the matter of actual play, but you can use it as a tool. In a fun way. I myself have sometimes troubles drawing a map.... more »

Fading Suns meets Warhammer 40.000

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Yes, time travel is the word of this campaign. First time-jump was 250 years into future. And second time-jump they tried to get back to past into their own time but what you know, evil GM screwed things up and they jumped further into future. Where? What time? I have been checking out information about WH40k Dark Heresy rpg and also looked at several WH40k pictures, so from Fading Suns setting year 4996 (*actually should be 5010 as Fading Suns was published 1996*) they travelled to year 5246 and from that they travelled to year... 40.000! So, now I am having blast with super huge... more »

Vitruvian man hit locations

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Vitruvian man is famous piece of art from Leonardo da Vinci indicating the dimensions and measurements of a human. More information in Wikipedia here. Few years ago I wanted to add a random hit locations chart into Vampire: the Masquerade to give a little "twist" into firefights. I thought, that chart-only with text is really dull and wanted to make it graphic. For some reason, Vitruvian man got my attention. I have to admit, the artwork from da Vinci is brilliant. It is just cool. And works perfectly for random hit location chart. At first, as I used this for V:tM hit locations use... more »

D&D: What rules do I actually need?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
For first, it's long time since I last time played any of Dungeons and Dragons. I think it was Advanced Dungeons and Dragons something like 10 years ago. And it lasted untill first fight when we changed system and continued the campaign. I am not sure was that the first time of AD&D, but it definaltely was the last. I have also played some version of old Dungeons and Dragons, but cannot remember what it was, how I felt about the rules etc. I remember, there was this map of dungeon and cardboard figures. Really old. We didn't play that game alot, just few times. Then I got my D&D 3r... more »

Writers, how do you get inspired?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I bet someone who reads this blog is also a writer in rpg scene. Do you write games, adventures, or something similar? As someone might know, I am working on my own rpg system called Ydin. Today I got all the toughts together, opened my Open office, started typing title Introduction and then... bam. Zombies ate my brains. I tried to write several columns but only result was me hitting backspace until I was again at the beginning. I tried to make fun background design for the file and started typic again. i, n, t, r, o, d, u, c, t, i, o, n. Then watched screen for a decade, started t... more »

[Fading Suns] How to get new friends? Destroy their spacestation!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Heroes have discovered, that they are not lost in space, but actually jumped into future when entering the Jumpgate. When they did the fatal jump, they were in hurry and didn't have enough time to calibrate and ensure the coordinates, and they didn't jump at their own turn but did cut the line. When they did the jump, they were lost. But here is what really happened. They did get into the right spot where indended originally, just as they did make hasty jump without proper preparation, they did twist time and space and landed in the future. 250 years later. They have all the time b... more »

What game next?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
In previous post I told that current Fading Suns campaign is nearing it's end, and now I have to start to think what will be the next game to play to do some preparations. Preparations would include making character with player, learning or re-reading rules, getting idea of campaigns concept. There are some options I have been thinking to run next. *My Life With Master* is really interesting game. Rules are light enough, you can "win" the game without deciding the conditions for ending the campaign, and you got concept what you will gamemaster. Game is also ment to be quite short, s... more »

Fading Suns - 50th session

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Today we started our 50th session in Fading Suns campaign Lost in space. We played our first session of this campaign in February 25. So this far game has lasted around 3 months. Sessions haven't been that long, one or two to six hours depending on weekday. But we have played around 4-5 times per week, sometimes less, sometimes more. Many strange and adventurous things have happened. They have met space pirates, little spy Sha-Tzuu who accompanied them, hunted goatsucking monster, were kidnapped to harem... There has been adventures, talking, drama, partying. I can't tell how many... more »

YDIN - Explaining my idea of attributes and skills

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Okay, attributes and skills: Attribute high, skill high - You are both stable and capable. Your critical hit rate is greater and you don't miss very often. Attribute low, skill high - It might be easy to hit and get criticals, but you stumble alot. Your fighting style is far from perfect. You know how to use a sword, but your physics aren't with you. Attribute high, skill low - You are good at it naturally, you hardly miss, but in cost of stability you botch often and critical hit seldom. Attribute low, skill low - You suck. You hit now and then, sometimes even crit, but botch quite... more »

YDIN - quick intro to my system

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*Characters* Characters at the beginning are above the average. Character your player gets isn't ordinary person, but a hero of the campaign. He is a bit more capable than average person, so you don't have to spend few first adventures, quests or missions to gain experience to get your character to be capable for doing something more than just kill those rats (for experience). One thing what makes difference between your character and ordinary people is "gifts". Gifts are special abilities, advantages your character is good at. He might be tougher, more charismatic, cooler or natura... more »

Poll: what is most interesting of these ideas?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Okay, I am writing my own system, and system is starting to be ready to go. It needs a bit game testing, but I am getting it right in my opinion. There is few points why I am making my own system: 1. As it is made by me I know it like my own pockets so it's easy to write ideas for it. If I get an idea about game, gadget or anything, it is easy to write for the system I know best, my own 2. It's fun to create. There is few systems I favourite, but own would be cool to use as it would be easy to adapt to any game setting I like. So with own universal system I could play almost any game... more »

Overwhelmed by rpg hobby

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Strange enough, but I almost had burnout from roleplaying hobby of mine. How is that possible? Too much. I like to play, and that is one thing I don't trade for anything. But also I am quite active at forum, try to blog, try to read rpg books, want to get more of them and on top of that I got kazillion ideas for rpg's running on my own system. And ofcourse outside this fantasy world of roleplaying games I have real life involving job, daily activities, animals, friends etc. So, as rpg-ing became bigger and bigger but I didn't want to be outcast from "real life", I got into this sit... more »

Survival horror, the game

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I have been playing now Resident Evil 4 on Playstation 2, and I cannot stop the thrill the game gives to me. Graphics are great, gameplay fun, it is really long, you get to really shoot enemies, there is few puzzles to solve... I have allways been a great survival horror games fan. And best survival horror games for me have been Resident Evil and Silent Hill serieses. I have played also others, but for me those two game lines are the best. I am working on my own rpg system, as I have already mentioned in this blog here and there. As playing Resident Evil now, I thought that I will d... more »

From mist there will come monsters

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
This post is inspired by movie The Mist what is based on Stephen King's novel. So, if you haven't read the book or seen the movie before, this post will contain spoilers. ~DON'T READ FURTHER, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MOVIE THE MIST~ Okay, now that I got the warning out of the way, let's go to the serious business. Story Story told short: there is a mist. In mist people dies. In mist there are monsters. Mist aint' goin' away. You gotta survive. So, basically this is survival horror, where you are trapped in only safe place - grocery store - where mist cannot get in. In the ... more »

[Rules] Fading Suns and Storytelling similarities

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
First, I have to mention that designers of Fading Suns Bill Bridges and Andrew Greenberg have been involved in World of Darkness (hit me if I am wrong, but Mage: the Ascension and Werewolf: the Apocalypse) and I can see that in Fading Suns. Long before I knew this background of those developers, I had always that picture, that somehow Fading Suns was similar to WoD. Well, now it is explained to me and is quite clear why so. Fading Suns and old World of Darkness are different game system, and ofcourse different, but there is some similarities I point out now. Attribute + Skill Basic... more »

I want to... game

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
It's been long time since last real gaming session. Where you got game master's screens, various different coloured dice on the table more you even need, pens and pencils, hand written notes and maps, few minis (well, never used those but let's imagine as them suit here now), bottles of soda and bags of candy and chips. Wow, sometimes I miss those times. Now my gaming is about stories, and characters. Not about doin' stuff 'n' killin' mobs and takin' their stuff! That was fun. And those quests and missions back then. They didn't need logic. Some random person approaches characters a... more »

Agents, psychics and commandos - setting thinking

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I am making my own game system. Idea is that it will be universal for me to use. So, I make these universal rules what I can use to write any setting I like to. It's like (new) World of Darkness core rulebook for White Wolf's WoD series. A set of core rules what are the basics for my ideas for settings and campaign worlds. Ofcourse, core rules introduce the basics of the rules and setting supplements add some additional rules if needed. So, I have this idea of playing a group of characters. Game is great for solo-gaming with one player, as it is agent action. Agents work alone, you ... more »

1000 and 1 characters

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Some time ago I saw this challenge at (cannot find the topic anymore), where idea was to create character to all games you own for your blog or what ever. I found it really cool idea. If you are a bit bored, this is fun way to get time to pass. I have thought about it some time, and liked to do it. Not necessarily to "officially" announce my share in, but for my own fun and challenge. Would be cool also, if I could illustrate the characters - even if the illustration would be kinda amateur-ish, it would definately add extra flavour for my challenge. I was thinking, w... more »

Lost in Space

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
In scifi, even if you can travel between planets, systems and stars, space is huge. Even if you can travel long distances relatively fast, it doesn't take away the fact, that space is infinite. Even if humanity has found and conquered planets before unknown, there is always space never before travelled. Space is your second home. If you are in the crew of a spaceship, space is normal for you. You don't fear it, you don't necessarily even give a thought how small you are there. You think you have travelled long distances, yet in the universe it doesn't even matter. You know all the ... more »

Rant: I hate D20

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Allright, D20 system can be used in Dungeons & Dragons, I don't mind that, but one thing what really, really aggravates me is that every single game must be converted to D20. I'd like to get BESM for my collection, but quess what, easily available version is D20. I think it isn't the original or it doesn't have the original feel anymore. I am not sure of tri-stat system (doesn't it use that) or is D20 actually better system or not, but I don't buy it (as a "feel" or a copy of it). Many of out of print games are again available, but in damn D20 format. There is many games that I'd li... more »

Watching Farscape, running Fading Suns

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I am a proud owner of Fading Suns 1st edition. I remember my friend got that game long time ago but didn't like it that much, so I got it from him. Never actually played it before 2000-ish when I and my girlfriend started it. And I have to say, the game is lots of fun and the campaign was awesome. We still talk about it. So, as previous post told, AFMBE didn't work out. So, checking out my rpg shelf and lately watching lots of Farscape, we decided to give Fading Suns another shot. Just created character, and have played it for 15 minutes or so, so cannot tell much about the campai... more »

AFMBE - It's a shame

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I started AFMBE scenario with lots of enthusiasm. As I have told before, I had lots of inspiration from various zombie-movies and the book itself is really inspiring. But unfortunately, my player didn't buy it. We played around 3 short sessions, and after it the game withered. I couldn't get player to continue it. I think the setting itself wasn't that bad at all, but the player isn't that big for the zombie-action. She enjoys zombie movies, but gaming a zombie movie didn't turn her on. So sadly, no All Flesh Must Be Eaten for me. I tried to plan it to be quite short game, but stil... more »

Call of Kult - Kult/CoC convertion

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have planned my next FARP (stands for Forum Action Role-Play) for ages. I started planning it last year, but still haven't started it. I have to thank future players of that FARP for their patience. First I planned to use my own rules set for the game, but decided to ditch it. My own rules are just at way too early stage to work properly. Actually I thought that FARP might be ok to playtest it, but there is still too much work before actually playtesting the rules. So, I had to make a decision to use ready existing set for the FARP. I have been playing Call of Cthulhu at home for ... more »

[AFMBE] Angry Mother Earth and her rat army

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Idea [image: Funny rat and cheese isolated on white background photo] I am now reading AFMBE, because after this ongoing Call of Cthulhu campaign it is the game next in line. Luckily AFMBE's Unisystem is easy enough to run, so there is more time for brainstorming the campaign than learning the rules. I am going to run my idea of BBQ from Hell (posted about it here) but got this idea reading the rulebook I want to share. Recent background After world started to get great leaps towards advancement, it had its costs. Pollution, overpopulation, destroyment of nature - humanity has done ... more »

[Call of Cthulhu] Call of ice

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Call of ice is my recently started Call of Cthulhu campaign. Inspired by movies like The Thing, 30 Days of Night, Whiteout, The Abyss and reality series Ice Road Truckers I decided to use campaign to be set to something cold, icy and remote place. What could be better than Antarctica? Plot of the campaign is quite simple. Character gets job assignment to join exploration group at new research facility at Antarctica. Character has no idea what it is all about, but payment is tempting and experience unique her to join it without bigger hesitation. She met a person who lost both his ha... more »

Campaign ending, wow!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Vampire: the Masquerade campaign I am running, is actually ending. This is rare, as usually I don't plan the end for campaigns I start to run. They usually are sandbox campaigns, where story developes while playing. There is no planned focus, or goal for them, just playing and seeing where campaign is going. Usually the decisions what player decides his/her character to do move campaign forth, and there can be some nice twists. As no planning at all, even I as GM/ST don't know what is going to happen in the end. But the problem is that "in the end" part. You see, while playing unpl... more »

Too much great rpg's

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have nice Vampire: the Masquerade chronicle running (blogging it in finnish), yet my game shelf is full of interesting products calling my name. Reading them is fun, but trying them out would be more fun. Unfortunately there is not enough time to learn them properly, and even less time to run them. As I have this V:tM chronicle going on, I wouldn't want to put it on pause to try something else. There is always a risk, that game gets stuck where it is last left for some time. If I am so darn busy, how can I storytell Vampire then? Reason is simple, game is familiar, I know the rule... more »

At last, new game what is kicking

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
There was a period gaming did not run smoothly. I had ideas and was eager to play, but for some reason after last long Vampire: the Masquerade campaing lost my muse of storytelling. I don't say that I didn't want to play, but somehow it just didn't work well. Tons of ideas, but as I said, lost my muse. After V:tM campaing we tried to start part 2 of it. From where last campaing ended but for some reason that character was done. She had so many experiences in her previous game, that it was hard to get something new to start with. So, it was a sad decision, but she retired. After it ... more »

BBQ Party from hell - AFMBE

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Day 1 It was a nice sunday evening. Our neighbours invited us to barbeque at their backyard. Grill was hot and Bob threw the steaks in. My husband Mark and Bob the neighbour had few beers while me and Annie chatted together. Sun set was near. My husband forgot his cigarettes and he asked me to fetch them for him. I didn't want to bitch about his smoking now. Everything was so nice so like a good wife I went through their house to the front yard to go and get them cigarettes for my husband. While walking a hundred yard way to our front door, I saw a drunken man standing and wobbling o... more »

AFMBE scenario, BBQ from hell

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I am currently totally into All Flesh Must Be Eaten. I haven't yet read full book but am already halfway done. Game is neat. Rules are easy and neat. I know, you can play zombie-games in almost any rpg you got. There is zombies in D&D, and in Call of Cthulhu, World of Darkness, even Fading Suns has sort of zombies. But whole game about zombies is fantastic. As in other games zombies are just one template in AFMBE you can create unlimited amount of your own zombies and customize them to be different in every campaing. There is no two similar zombies. Also rules are quite lite. Basic... more »

Many names for GM

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Game Master, the term what defines who will run the game, atmosphere, scenes and non-player characters in game. I think Game Master or GM is the common term for that person around the gaming table involving the rpg session. Still, many games use their own terms to determine the "leader" of the game. I was wondering, does people usually use the term "game master" involving all games regardless what game suggest the term for gm in that particular game is, or does Dungeon & Dragons players use Dungeon Master also in other games, as they are used to that term? As I said Game Master is ... more »

Spooky: The definitive guide to horror gaming

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
This is last game I got. It was a really positive surprise, as I thought it is just a general guide for horror roleplaying, but soon I found out it also includes simple horror rpg rules, what is cool. Not just a info packet here, but an actually game. What I look at the book, I like alot the cover art. It somehow reminds me of comic books. It has few details and is very lively. Also black and white print suits the cover really great. Illustration generally varies a lot. Best of the pictures in this book are good enough, but worst suck alot. Worst pictures must be either really ama... more »

All Flesh Must Be Excel

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Today, as I noticed that I don't have a single AFMBE character sheet printed. Usually the game you currently are most interested in doesn't have ready character sheets in hand. I flapped the rule book, checked out character sheet and decided that it is not too complicated to do with Excel. And Excel is good in that way, you can easily use it also with computer. Really handy, as I don't own currenlty a printer, so only option if would like to record character is handwrite it, or use computer. I share it also here, as I did in You can find character sheet here (site in... more »

Ninjas, vampires, vampire ninjas... failure

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
At some point I was thinking after sawing the movie Chanbara Beauty, that I would mix assamites, katanas and ninja-action together. But quess what, not everything is ment to be mixed with Vampire: the Masquerade. At first the idea sounded fun, but when playing it few times I suddenly realized that even if katana is cool, ninja is cool and vampire is cool, together they are ridiculous. I don't say, that ninja katana game wouldn't be fun, but there is some limits for it. There is lots of games and systems you can play that type of action packed slicing and sneaking, but I think Vampir... more »

World of Darkness with miniatures and battlemap?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
This is a thing I have thought sometimes, does any WoD/Storytelling player use miniatures or battle maps. I came to a conclusion, that no. Surely in some action based scenes and fights people certainly use some kind of game marks and maps to point positions, but playing it like miniature strategy, no. Then I started to read Werewolf: the Apocalypse and found, that there is in rules actually lite rules for miniature fights with World of Darkness rules. They are basically the same you use with regular play, only with addition for grids, facing, movement etc. rules specifically used in... more »

New games: Pendragon and Werewolf: the Apocalypse

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I got today my new games and retrieved them from post office. Bought them via forum. For first I was intentend to buy only Werewolf: the Apocalypse, but also got Pendragon on the top of that. I am very pleased with the deal. Thanks to the seller. I was very excited when coming home with the box and opening it. First I got Werewolf on my hands and it looked really cool. 2nd edition it is, with purple cover and that scratch on top you can see through in inner page. Pendragon was a real surprise. I definately have had it on my hands, I must have had it I don't doubt it ... more »

nWoD core book

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have owned World of Darkness core book for a while, as some of new WoD books like Vampire, Changeling, Werewolf, Shadows of Mexico, 3 sect books and newcomer Mage. I finished reading World of Darkness core rules, or atleast most of it, last week. Here is some thoughts of it. It was easy and quite fast to read, as some things were quite obvious thanks for knowing V:tM throughout. I am planning to read it properly again, now I just got all I need to run a game. Some skill definations I didn't read as obvious things about Storytelling and roleplaying. I think the rules in general se... more »

V:tM - From idea to character

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
In last post I posted that not so serious discussion about new Vampire-character, and actually after joking about it we took a bit more serious aspect on it and actually, kind of had an idea for new vampire few-shot (one shot with few sessions ;) ) So, character will be assasin, from clan Assamite. But game starts where she is held captive, and all her memories are wiped out. She has no idea what has happened, where she is etc. So, game basically starts like this cliche action movie, but it is the purpose of the game. Action and fun. Character is Assamite, who cannot remember who sh... more »

Discussing V:tM character over msn

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Ok, I still haven't had time to read W:tF because of difficulties in real life (for example dog got sick) but I miss roleplaying. We did rpg almost every night after all duties done. So, there has been a big gap in our evenings. I thought, we might make a Vampire: the Masquerade character as both of us are really familiar with that game to entertain us untill I finish reading W:tF and we can continue that. She wasn't so excited on creating a character, so as a joke when we talked about it I told her, that she could play a Brujah homosexual embraced in 80's with leather cap, pants an... more »

New areas to blog about

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I was thinking, that I might also add some other of my interests or hobbies to blog about. They aren't exactly roleplaying games, but could be related to those. I will include in example books, movies and videogames to this blog to rant about. I like writing, alot. That is one reason I hold this blog. Another reason is to develop my english, but that we don't talk about okay? As I like writing, I thought I could even write more. More about something, and as a roleplayer I also enjoy reading books, watching movies and videogames. I have been quite a games maniac when youth, but now i... more »

Advantages and disadvantages of nWoD

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
There has been lots of discussion over the internet about one major advantage in nWoD. When you buy World of Darkness core rule book, you basically buy rules set only once. After it you decide by buying the supplement you want to run or play. You don't have to buy basic rules over and over again with every new book. Also, the rules are the same for every "race" was it Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Changelings, Hunters etc. In those supplement books come ofcourse additional rules for those "races" but core books are always the same. Always the one you originally bought in that one - W... more »

New exciting games

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I had some new games this month, and are quite excited of them. Two past years I have had games total more than last 7 years, so my game shelf is growing quite well at the moment. There is always space for new games, even if I am not planning to run them. Shelf full of roleplaying games is just beautiful, yet nerd. Well, when it comes to rpg's, I like nerd. Alot. My new games are the following: Ikuisuuden laakso. Finnish rpg about penguins and anti-penguins. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Well it is. Innovative, cool exciting, dramatic. Even if that game has penguins on it, it is not ... more »

Hard to learn

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have now Storytelled new World of Darkness mortal horror/mystery game for a while, and it is supposed to turn into Werewolf: the Forsaken, as character is assumed to go first change soon in chronicle. But there is a problem. World of Darkness core rules were easy and fast to read and learn. There was no question or problem on them. Well, basically they are just core-rules and World of Darkness is already familiar to me and I had image of dicepool system from oWoD series so it was simple to learn and ready-to-play in two evenings. Now I have tried to read Werewolf: the Forsaken s... more »

Magic item for fantasy settings

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
*Great wizard Munchkin' A'lot presents:* *The great magic ring of encumbrance penalty nullifier* It was a time, when wizard did adventure. It was a time long ago, as the wizard nowadays is very old. And wealthy of mass producting his magically crafted ring of The great magic ring of encumbrance nullifier. HISTORY See, this now old and ridiculously wealthy wizard used to travel and adventure at his youth. He had this comrade, Borak The Big Barbarian. You quessed right. Borak had his birthname for being a barbarian and a very big barbarian he is. At the time when wizard and barba... more »

Playing "Tähti" in msn

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I announced some time ago in to seek game testers for game Tähti, what I am intended to review and got total of four players to sign in. Only two of them actually played today. It was quite good actually that no more players involved as Tähti is game where characters are in focus. It might have been a bit of a mess with more players. In general, game went quite well. Players got their role of teenage girl pop-stars well and played their character nicely. There is not so much importance in game mastering the game as there is in players making the story. I have to say,... more »

Planning to add template to nWoD Mortals

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, Mage: the Awakening and Changeling: the Lost on my bookshelf and was planning to make this mortal character in my new World of Campaign to change in some supernatural being after a while of playing regular mortal horror. I asked my player, what would she like the most his character to become, and she chose W:tF. Reason for that was we have played lots of vampires in Masquerade setting, so Werewolf would be kind of new experiment and experience for both of us. There was one question after my players selection of supernatural being h... more »

First steps with new World of Darkness

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have been quite skeptic towards new World of Darkness games line. What I have read in internet some people adore nWoD over old one, some people despise it. I have to admit, that I had some serious prejudice for it. Book itself is quite dull. Nothing spectacular for the book what started new World of Darkness line. Artwork is ok at it's best, and quite awful at it's worst. Most of the pictures are quite mediocre. Also there is quite much different shortstories what makes book also thicker, but also gives a bit of insight of the game. How it is intended to play. Most of the stories ... more »

The drive of campaing is missing

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
For some reason, current Vampire: the Masquerade campaign in Iceland is not running as smoothly, as it could. Start was pretty ok, but then it started to freeze a bit. There is too much boring things happening, and the plot seems for me to be kind of... too dull. The game is not advancing basically nowhere for some reason. I don't know, is it because there is 2,5 (one shorter) campaigns before this with same character and maybe it just feels, that this character has experienced that much, there is not enough "new" or fresh ideas to go with. Maybe I just took a bit too big bit withou... more »

Methuselah in Iceland

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Well, I have this Vampire: the Masquerade campaign going on, and I decided to add something "dangerous" to game. Some real threat. Decided, what would be better than a hint character gets, that Methuselah is hidden in the land of Ice! Ok, Methuselah are really powerful vampires of 4th or 5th generation. Vampires, what Sabbat constantly hunts down to prevent Gehenna, where Methuselah rise from their hidden graves to destroy all vampires! Sounds nice doesn't it? So, there is rumored to be one Methuselah hidden in Iceland. Player character had a hint of its existence and now is her "j... more »

Horror in Vampire

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I have always thought Vampire: the Masquerade as a horror game, but obviously the horror is different than in Mythos as actually players are "the" horrors themselves. What is this "horror" then. Well, game states it as a roleplaying game of personal horror, what means, that as players themselves are vampires, they aren't supposed to be fighting great 'ol ones or such matters. They are monsters themselves. There comes the twist of personal horror. As you are vampire, you are doomed. You cannot see or enjoy daylight anymore. Day by day, decade by decade your life around you withers a... more »

Designing game system

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
I like rpg's obviously, and like them more than just playing. My dream is to make my own gaming system. You know, like crafting something for own fun and hobby. I have had several tries to do something, but they all didn't work out. But now, I had this great idea of rpg-system what I want to do relly! I made it basically quite easy to develop and also flexible. Let me explain more. For first, there is this basic and core of the game. Generic system, like GURPS for example (or D20/True20 in the way). For first I write the most basic of the basic rules for that game and then can add (... more »

Postman brought GURPS Cabal

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Happened to buy Star Wars SAGA and Unknown Armies from one roleplaying game forum user and got GURPS: Monsters also free of charge (but as it was very nice act to give free stuff, I decided to pay him a bit extra what we originally agreed). In GURPS: Monsters there was advertisement of GURPS: Cabal what catched my eye. I am not sure why I got interested of that book, but started to google it around and for example found review from and got more fascinated of this product. One sentence got my eye the most: The Cabal is the conspiracy, trade union, and mutual-assistance societ... more »

Vampire campaign

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
After a small break (half a year even) I kicked in a new Vampire: the Masquerade campaing few months ago where it last time ended. Last campaing ended when chronicle's main character Angeline "Angelmoon" Callisto, a Toreador, was kidnapped from her town in USA and got dragged (shipped actually) to Iceland where she in the end destroyed his kidnappers (who were minions of Sabbat. Not worth of anything suppose, as one Torador whooped their butt). Iceland was divided in half of realm with another kindred, in post-text of campaing what player had free hands to write campaing out that ot... more »

First entry

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 2 years ago
Today I started blog here. For my hobby of rpg's I have tried several different options to publish my stuff on internet and in time all of them have faded up. Usually maintaining websites is too heavy even if I have used templates to do that. I have noticed, that several roleplaying gamers use blogs to publish their personal thoughts, to share information and introduce happenings. That was the basis of the idea for me to try out blogging. Let's see what all I can do with that than just "diary-type thoughts to save". Would be cool ofcourse, if I could update for example my campaings ... more »

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