Wednesday 4 April 2012

Against many

[D&D] Against many

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
* *Main idea for these rules is to take lower level monsters, make them a challenge by adjusting their volume and make truly epic battles, where party of 6 heroes hacks and slash their way through dozens of skeletons. And it doesn't take whole month to deal with that battle. In computer games you often fight with your character against tons of monsters running in between of them and tapping "attack button" repeatedly and in few second your kill count is many. But in rpg's usually there is not that many enemies present. Not for the reason heroes couldn't deal with them, but for the ... more »

Making demonic random table

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I decided to start work on demonic random table for evil and demonic creatures, characters and NPCs. There are few columns in my table: - Roll result what shows what demonic quality or characteristic is possessed - Description tells what the result is like - System tells how it works or what it does and could be modified to suit the system you are using Roll is made with D666 (roll similarly to D100 but just use 3D6). So there is lots of options to write down. How many times will one roll D666 in first place is decided by gamemaster or rolled randomly. I give some ide... more »

[PS2] Silent Hill 4: The Room - Is it Silent Hill and how to rpg it?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I just finished playing Silent Hill 4: The Room (I refer it as SH4 further). It took almost 8 hours and three evenings, so the game wasn't that long but mediocre in survival horror and adventure games. The cover is cool as artwork and layout in user's manual, but was the game good itself? *Story In Short* * * You are stuck in your room. There are chains in your door, and you don't have a idea what is going on. But you find a portal in your bathroom what leads you out from your room to different realms. As travelling outside from your room through the portal you investigate what is g... more »

The Cannibal hobbit tribe of desert

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
In the desert, far from civilization there is small tribe of hobbits. They don't live in fancy and cozy holes but in tents made from leather of rare desert oxes. Everyone knows that hobbits love easy life, good food and drink and love parties and festivals. But life for these hobbits is simple and quite rough. Sun is burning in the daytime but nights are cold. Usually hobbits are round for their love of food but these tribesmen are thinner. They love festivals though, but they are rare as their life is rough. Food in desert is hard to get, and a great feast is hard to make. They hun... more »

Halloween challenge from you to me!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Post in comments before 30th day of this month. (I live in +2 Time zone, if it matters). From those posts I will make a post including your idea done. So, what I am asking, give me in comments: - Name (for example Crow the Nightwalker, Nightpeaks). Something horror and/or Halloween related. - What you want it to be (for example place, NPC, monster, item). Something you want your given name to be. - Optional: Genre. If you want your name and concept to be for certain genre, name it. Unfortunately I cannot do everything for particular system, as I don't obviously ... more »

Halloween = Call of Cthulhu x2

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Here in Finland Halloween is not an official holiday, but it is growing as a phenomenom. There are lots of Halloween themed items in shops and I think that younger generation really enjoys it. Halloween is this Sunday, but meh, me and my girlfriend will have a Halloween Weekend! So, starting today, continuing tomorrow and recovering on Sunday. We are cooking some Halloween themed snacks like fingers in blood (wieners with garlic slices as nails in a bowl of ketchup), monster faces (small pizzas with stuffings arranged as monsters faces), spider pies (not idea what this would be, I t... more »

Made Call of Cthulhu fixed character sheet with alternative starting skill values

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I am planning to run CoC one-shot for Halloween in 21th century, so made few minor tweaks to character sheets. Also I wanted skills to be based more on characteristics than just pre-made %. In my Call of Cthulhu character sheet 2000 edition characters might even be a bit more skillful at the beginning. World is more advanced and information is easier to find and learning is made easier aswell. I decided to share it for you. So, here it is: Also check out my "Downloads Page" for more (well, not that many yet) goods for roleplaying games. Ther... more »

YDIN - Basic combat phases

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Combat is in rounds and turns. *Round* is time what takes all participants to make their actions, *turn* is one individual's action. Time of one turn or round can vary greatly. In fast phased gunshooting one turn can take few seconds to fire a gun, but in space combat one turn can take several minutes to manouver the spacecraft. *Initiative* Initiative determines the order in which participants act. Usually player characters roll individual initiative, but gamemaster can roll single initiative roll for every NPC/monster with same basic initiative value. * *Initiative can be re-rolle... more »

Magic set editor - Flesh your game

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I haven't played Space-Jerusalem / Natural20 (homebrew D20 system), but there is one idea I like alot. That system uses cards as equipment, special skills etc. for characters. Usually in rpg's you write down what ever equipment, weapons, spells, special skills etc. your character has. It works ok, they all are written down on character sheet. But sometimes there are problems. You might have title for skill or spell your character knows, but there is not enough space to write description how it works and what it does. Before you learn what they do, you might have to refer to rulebook... more »

What should I GM for Halloween special rpg?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I am planning to run some fun one-shot for my girlfriend in Halloween. I want it to be fun, kind of old-schoolish horror, like those B-movies or some old scary story. But I don't know what to run yet! Here are few options and ideas: *All Flesh Must Be Eaten* could be one, but well, my girlfirend is not into zombies, so I quess it would be lame surprise for her. And let's face it, even though zombies are awesome it could be pretty lame. Come on. Zombies on halloween? As I might want to have some bloody zombie-action, that's not an option. *Call of Cthulhu.* Well, this is real deal. ... more »

Ammo penetration, sketch for YDIN

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Characters have hitpoints. Normal durability to deal with damage, poisoning, cold, exhaust etc. Characters have plenty of those, so they can shrug minor scratches off. Characters also have wound points, what indicate stamina for major damage. Characters have wounds related to wound points. This is an attribute what damage needs to exeed to deal wounds. So in short. Healthpoints represent scratches. Wound points represent major damage. Wound points are stamina to endure major damage. If damage exeeds character's wounds, wound point is taken. If damage exeeds wounds two times, two woun...more »

Two setting ideas

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I tried to write YDIN as whole and found, that it is quite hard task to do. I have ideas from here and there, and putting them together in write (program) can be hard. Then I figured out, that I can write separate rules within this blog in any order I feel. Easily. Ofcourse I could do the same with notepad for example, and just copypaste them together in the end. But still, somehow writing rules in parts to this blog is so much easier and more inspiring work. Basic rules are almost done. I need to write combat rules, do some weapons lists and write wounding and death rules and that's... more »

Gun penetration

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I can't recall playing a roleplaying game where there was weapon penetration modelled. I mean, that when you shoot someone, bullet goes through him and does damage for an object or person behind him. I am currently thinking about rule for ammo penetration for my roleplaying system YDIN. I have an idea technically how to do it, and without testing it yet, I think it will work fine. Actually, on paper (computer screen) and in my mind it sounds really good! One thing I am wondering is, what weapons are capable to penetrate object. Is it about speed of bullet or about caliber? This I ha... more »

15 Enduring and Impressive Games in 15 minutes - my part

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
This seems to be "hip" now with bloggers, so I guess I'll throw my list in also. So, here it comes: 1. Vampire: the Masquerade - Teached me to play drama in games, and focus in greater things running around character(s). 2. Fading Suns - My current scifi rpg what can do virtually anything I want to do in my campaign. 3. (Tie Tähtiin 2300 AD) - Even if rules in finnish version were broken, I have so many good memories of this game. 4. Resident Evil -series - One of my favourites of console games. 5. Silent Hill - The mood, the setting, the audiovisual output, m... more »

YDIN - Basic character advancement and experience

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Characters have two values to indicate their experience and advancement. - Rank tells your character's current power level. - Steps indicate amount to gain to advance a rank. Characters have ten steps. After every game session gamemaster values how well character did different tasks and how well his character handled the adventure and/or gaming session. After gaining tenth step, character advances one rank. Advancing a rank character gains benefices; skill points to distribute on new skills or to raise current, attribute points to advance in attributes, new gifts etc. *Gaining... more »

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. roleplaying game - yes there is one out!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I have read and there was recently a topic where question was, what system you could use to run your STALKER campaign with. We finnish are lucky, there *is* Stalker roleplaying game printed with Boris Strugatski's permission. Unfortunately currently it is only available in finnish, but there's been discussions about translating it into nordic area and also in english! I am not sure about the schedule though nor how official it is. Here is STALKER science fiction roleplaying game's homepage (with google translate). Enjoy reading: STALKER introduction. Burger Game's homepage... more »

YDIN - Modern setting skills list

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
This skill list is example for a modern setting. *Combat Skills:* FIREARMS+ (Dexterity) + Pistols + Rifles + Machine guns *Pistols to shotguns to sub-machine guns.* EXPLOSIVES (Intelligence) *Explosives and bombs.* HEAVY WEAPONS (Strength) *Bazookas, rocket lounchers and granade lounchers. Also heavy military artllery.* THROWN WEAPONS (Dexterity) *Thrown knives, shooting stars, axes, darts.* THROW (Strength) * Grenades, rocks.* * *MELEE WEAPONS+ (Dexterity or Strength) + Slashing/Piercing (Dexterity) + Pludgeoning (Strength) HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT (Dexterity OR Melee) *Different mart... more »

YDIN - Skills in general

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Skills have four ranks from untrained 0 to professional. Some skills cannot be used untrained, they are marked with *. Skill levels 1 and 2 cost points equal to skill level, 3rd skill level costs additional 2 points (4 points total). Skill lists are given in different settings. You can add skills if you feel like it. Another method is to take excisting roleplaying game and take skill list from it. It is your choice do you want skills to be extra specific or more wide. Generally in YDIN skills are in wider area but there are few of more specific also. Some skills have subcategories... more »

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