Wednesday 4 April 2012

YDIN - Basic character creation

YDIN - Basic character creation

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Basic character creation is used most oftenly. It might vary in different power levels or races of a character (from elf to android). But these are a rule of thumb: *Determining Attributes* *Divide points.* You have 18 points to distribute to attributes. One point spent to attributes equals to one point of attribute.* *Value 6 in attribute costs one extra point. *Roll the dice. *Roll 6D6 and put the results in attributes as you please. *Roll and divide.* Add roll 3D6 to 9 and divide total result to attributes. *Determine Secondary Attributes* Health points = Strength + Stamina x4 ... more »

YDIN - Basic rules - How to roll

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
YDIN uses simple basic rules presented here. *Attributes And Skills* Characters have 6 attributes: - Strength - Physical strength and power - Dexterity - Physical agility and mobility - Stamina - Physical constitution and toughness - Intelligence - Mental wit and education - Perception - Mental noticing and awareness - Charisma - Outlooks and personality Attributes range from 1 to 6, where 6 is highest and 1 is lowest. Usually character's average is 3, where 4 is a slightly higher than average, 5 way above average and 6 at human limits. Also 2 is a bit below average... more »

YDIN - What is it and why am I doing it?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
YDIN is generic roleplaying system I am creating. There are several different systems I enjoy playing, but in addition of just playing I like to create roleplaying related stuff. It might be a new character class, campaign setting or some house rules. Reason why I started to create YDIN is quite simple. Let's take an example. There is some fantasy-based idea I want to write. But there are too many fantasy settings and rules to choose from, so why won't I execute that idea with my very own rules set then? Main reason is that when I have one rules set to tweak around and write additi... more »

Two NPC's for my player's party (1st NPC Half-Orc Barbarian)

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*Gorem, Half-Orc Barbarian* From far southern deserts half-orc Gorem has ventured to northern realms to city of Lankhemaar. His quest is simple. To proof himself he is worthly. His mother was human barbarian tribeswoman who was raped by orc during an attack. She wanted to keep her unborn child, but from the very beginning of his life Gorem was concidered as evil, cursed and not worthy. He learned his tribe's ways, but never did fit in. When he got into age of manlyhood, he decided to find his own glory in other parts of the world. Gorem is loyal, but hates greenskinned as one of thos... more »

I am alive

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
It's been few days now I haven't made a single post. Been quite busy in life, actually. Well, it's not big effort to write thoughts in here, but still I think it needs a bit of thinking. Still, hobby goes on. What am I up to in roleplaying related topics in my life currently? *Dungeons Mastering* At first I thought we'd play only few sessions of D&D, just to take thoughts away from more serious roleplaying. Still, we are continuing to play D&D. Currently we are at our 18th gaming session and character is 3rd level. Not bad. We both enjoy D&D. Well, we are not fantasy or D&D-ish game ... more »

[D&D] How did I handle poison?

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Party encountered an imp. I knew what imps look like and knew that they aren't that tough opponents, but when I described the imp and opened MM and checked it's stats I noticed that damn, it poisons. In the middle of action I didn't have time to read about poison, so I figured it out myself. So, this is how it worked (gotta read it from rules though): When imp hits it deals 1D4 damage + poison effect. I forgot to ask player to roll fortitude save, so she was autopoisoned. Every now and then when I see fit (few rounds or something) I ask player to make a fortitude save. If she succes... more »

[Mutants & Masterminds] Let's create a character step-by-step

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*Foreword* Why did I suddenly want to create a super hero? I watched *Iron Man 2 *last night, and it was an awesome movie. We roleplayers are lucky. Usually when you watch a movie, and it ends, that's it. But we roleplayers can obtain NPC's, plots, ideas, settings... anything for further use. So anyways, *Iron Man 2* was a cool super hero movie, and I started to think how would it be to play Iron Man. Luckily I just got my copy of *Mutants & Masterminds RPG* so heck, I could try it out. So I thought, I will create ironman-ish character for it. There is one problem though. I am not fami... more »

Inventory time & New books

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
I did inventory of my rpg's both books and printed PDF's. I didn't count PDF's in my harddrive, as I should clear them out to see what there is. Even I cannot know what bits lurk beneath the surface of this plastic cover. Anyways, currenlty I have 73 books on my bookshelf. It's not *that* much, but I am quite pleased. Well, there *allways* could be more, but I am getting there. I am also quite pleased on the collection I have. There are games I play regularly (well, in cycles but still) like Vampire: the Masquerade and Fading Suns. There are few books I have tried once or more often,... more »

[Movie] Evil Aliens could be AFMBE'd

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Evil Aliens is indie splatter/humour/horror movie. I have seen splatter movies more entertaining and absurd than this, so I was a bit disappointed when there was not that much crazy bloody action than splatters usually involve. As it's an indie movie, special effects and acting was how you would except it to be. In imdb discussion area director was both mocked to be as bad as Uwe Boll but also praised as a rising star. I think movie was worth watching, but not great. I thought for a splatter it could have been more gory and less boring. There was not that many gory scenes after all... more »

New series of posts: "Movies to RPG's"

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
Usually, when I see a movie I think how I could use it as a rpg setting or adventure seed, or whole adventure itself. I haven't written down these ideas, but decided to do so. I watch movies quite a lot (well, sometimes none, sometimes loads of depending on the mood and other things). I decided to narrow this "series" of posts to only movies I own as DVD. Otherwise it would be bigger scale, if I'd think a way to use a movie in a rpg setting for every movie I see. So, movies I own and watch as DVD, ideas how I would use them as rpg setting, adventure or something else, will be found ... more »

It's a Darkmantle!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
So, we watched those two D&D movies, and I have to say, that they sucked so bad that I almost ripped my eyes out. That's 'nuf said of those abominations. So, into the game. LuvMina found the bad behaving apprentice's lair at the sewers, she and her NPC companion killed 10 rats and got ready to open the door in next session. NPC thief had no problem lockpicking the door open so they entered the room. Room contained a table, bookshelf, bedroll and three cases of mushrooms (my random mushroom table what we rolled after examination). But the ceiling of the room looked really dark and s... more »

Cool post from Greyhawk Grognard: The Megadungeon Industry

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago That's a good read and I already commented it, but liked to point that out again (and from my blog I can find it again ;) ) That is cool idea, that around a dungeon becomes economy. Sleeping small farming village developes to a trading center for merchants buying and re-selling dungeon-goods. Basically thinking more about that post it feels like that little farming village doesn't have resources or money to buy items adventurers gain. But rumours go fast for good business opportunity and maybe some merchants see ... more »

[D&D] Rats are menace

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
First mission for LuvMina. There is one mage's guild apprentise who doesn't go the way guild wants. And now he's disappeared. And who goes to investigate? Character of course. Character takes his NPC friend halfling thief Francis with him and they go to sewers where the map Luv gained shows this evil apprentice's lair is. First fighting encounter! Rats, I thought, as it is a sewer. I checked that rats are 1/4 CR so there will be... um, 10 of them. Sounds good. They do 1D3-4 damage (I had no idea what that means... are damage dice exploding? Whether they are or not I have already dec... more »

Mushrooms your player shouldn't taste, but they propably will - Random mushie chart!

Thaumiel Nerub at Cradle of Rabies - From role to games - 1 year ago
*Mushroom Size 1D4* * * 1 - Small (size of finger tip) 2 - Medium (fits in palm) 3 - Big (need two hands to carry) 4- Gigantic (must cut pieces of it) *Mushroom Shape 1D4* 1 - Round * *2 - Flat top 3 - Tube 4- Sponge *Mushroom Color 1D10* 1 -Red 2- Yellow 3 - Blue 4- Orange 5 - Purple 6 - Green 7 - Black 8 - White 9 - Transparent 10 - Multi-coloured, roll 2 times again *Mushroom Effect 1D20 + 1D10* 2 - Nauseatic [-2 to all saving throws] 3 - Trippy-hippy [+2 Wis, +2 Initiative, -2 Int] 4 - Shrinking [reduce size one step] 5- Growing [more size one step] 6 - Bellyknots [Con -1, Cha -2] 7... more »

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